What makes YOU the best to deserve a free copy of my greatest product ever?…
As you may know by now, Monday is going to be the launch of my new product TrafficUncut.com.
Actually, it’s going to be the “pre-release” launch of the product.
It’s ONLY going to be available to my readers and I’m not promoting it with any affiliates or JV partners just yet.
I’ve been working on this for months now, and everyone I’ve shown it to has raved about it – with some people saying it’s easily worth over $1,000 – so I know it’s going to be able to help a lot of people .
I’m also making it a limited release initially. I’ve got 100 copies printed up for the initial run. Here’s a picture of just some of them.

I’ve already given away a few copies to my closest friends so there are actually less than 100 now.
Anyway, on to the real story I wanted to tell you about…
My wife and I were at our birthing class last night (only 4 weeks left!) and we found out something that SHOCKED us …
We found out that an average baby can use up to 5,000 or more diapers – that’s “nappies” for all the UK readers – in his first year!
We couldn’t believe it was that many!
Because of this my wife suggested I should call this the “Diaper Fund Launch” as we’re gonna need it to pay for all his diapers
She also suggested that even though I’ll be selling the course for pennies on the dollar of what it’s really worth, it might be fun to give away a few copies!
So …
Never one to argue with a pregnant woman, here’s what I’m going to do…
I’m going to pick 3 people to get a copy of this pre-release course absolutely free.
But …
You’re going to have to convince me that you deserve it!
Usually with these type of contests, people write in and pour their hearts out with all the bad things that are happening to them which makes them deserve it.
But I don’t like dwelling on negative things like that – I prefer to focus on the positive.
So to win a copy of the new course, I want you to come up with a funny, crazy or creative story about something you want to do.
It can be as crazy or as creative as you like, but I want you to think of something really fun that you’ll be able to do once your online business takes off.
All you need to do is use the comment box below to enter your story.
The 3 stories that make my wife and I laugh the most will each win a free copy of the course.
Good luck!
You said 5000 diapers heres a little something for you to think about, about now your figuring that the changing breakdown will be around 2000 for you & the rest for mama, dont you believe it you’ll be on the big end of it about 3800 for you & 1200 for your better half. Watch out when she just says here honey hold him [or her] for just a minute while I go get something.(honey is the scary word), but don’t get mad at the kid he[or she] didn’t do it on purpose your loving wife did.
But you’ll love the baby just the same & by the time the baby is 2 years old you’ll forget all about diapers & just love the dickens out of him[or her]
nothing left to say but good luck GOD bless you all & may you have happy & loving life.-Allen
Hi Allen,
Yeah, I’m pretty sure I’ll get stuck with a lot of the diapers but I really don’t mind
I’ve got nieces and nephews so it’s nothing new to me, but my wife got a bit freaked out at the thought of thousands of poopy diapers!
We both know it’ll all be worth it though and can’t wait for the little guy to get here.
hello Richard!
first off congrats to both you and your wife. thanks also for providing a PROVEN avenue to self-sufficiency!
my plans for the near future (when my online business takes off) is to produce and market my own music. i have been writing music since the age of three but never had the nerve to share it with anyone outside my immediate family. the music i am currently putting together highlights the majority of the people of this planet who face suffering on a daily basis. people who are left out of sight and mind, unless someone exploits them in the name of charity. i have decided to devote my future music endeavors on behalf of those who are voiceless and for the most part forgotten.
i know this isn’t funny or crazy but it is my plan.
thanks for this opportunity, it’s truly appreciated!
Well, I don’t understand. My story continues to disappear but the identifiers don’t move.
My story is about the twelve children.
Charlie Thompson
Well…If my online business take off I would do the following things that will be a lot o fun for me:
– I would unsubscribe from almost everyone’s news letter, except from yours and maybe a couple more. Yours will be number one.
– I would travel to South America to visit my mother. I haven’t seen her over 4 years. She will be 86 years old this year.
-I would spent sometime with my sister who left the US a year ago and visit with my nieces that I haven’t seen also for 4 years.
-I would have a nice local meal of my favorite food.
Then I would return to mine husband and mine “children”, (mine cuatro gatos).
The above maybe simple pleasures for others. For me would be wonderful to visit my family. So… I would need the time and the resources.
My best wishes for the Leggs!
Ok, it appears that you did NOT get my story. So, I’ll have to rewrite it.
I have never been married. Never had children. One parent left and one uncle left. We three are the end of the line. UNLESS…
A way is made to actualize a dream that’s always been close to my heart. I would like to adopt 12 disprivileged children and provide for them an opportunities-filled life they would not otherwise have had. In turn, they would be the family for me that I wouldn’t have had without them. I want them to have all the education and travel opportunities possible whether I am here to see it or not. I won’t do this, Richard, unless I can provide for the children. Right now, I’m very broke.
The reason I haven’t worked on this dream already is a nightmarish personal mistake which interfered with the completion of my own training, and I’ve had to work through a prolonged depression.
Richard, I need a way to make millions and to invest millions. Twelve children would mean a whole lot of money. I’m single so I need housekeepers, cooks, and nannies to help me.
I have my first online business ever–my3dprofits.com. I believe that if I promote it well, I can have enough to begin my family by Christmas, 2008 and to begin investing and locating more children.
So, Richard, come into my wild dream and father twelve more children. I promise, even swear if you would like, not to tell my children their father’s name or whereabouts.
Sincerely, Charlie Thompson
P.S.: If this project proved successful, I would be too pleased to acknowledge to the world Richard Legg’s contribution. Thanks for reading this.
I need to add that the ages of the children I want to adopt would range between 8 and 12. They would be halfway out of the oven; and hopefully, I would only have 12 years before the last one would be out of the house. I’m not so crazy that I would adopt infants. Just thought you should know this important fact.
It’s good you’ve experienced the “poopy diaper” process with your nieces and nephews; I swore that my daughter had some kind of unearthly creature roaming in her intestines when I was fulfilling my fatherly poopy duty (or should that be “doody”?).
My plan for my online career is to provide a haven for my fellow performers, be they musicians, painters, singers or actors like myself; a place where they can “hang out” and be themselves, share funny stories, support each other in their endeavors (I’m American, I can’t help the “spelling errors”), and find ways to supplement their income through the Internet.
One of my favorite theatre stories (I do spell “theatre” correctly, however) is during a production of the Seagull by Anton Chekov, the character Constantine is supposed to shoot himself off stage at the end of the play. Another character walks on stage and is supposed to say, “Constantine has just shot himself,” in typical Chekovian fashion. In our production, we had a malfunctioning prop pistol which could not be fired. Out of desperation, the prop master picked up a loose board and beat it against a sturdy part of the set (Whap, Whap, Whap). Our speaking actor walks out on stage and says in his best Chekovian voice, “Constantine has just beaten himself to death.” The most interesting Chekov death scene ever produced.
Richard, thank you, and God bless you and your growing family.
Hmmmm, something really fun that I would be able to do once my online business takes off? Right now it would be that I would then be able to afford to get wife pregnant… and wouldn’t have to be too choosy about who’s wife it is:)
Mary & I are fun loving people who have always wanted to tour the US in an RV. We currently live in a community of retired people that love to dance, sing and play bingo. Many could use additional income so I plan to teach as many as I can how to make a living on the internet.
As soon as we can afford it, we are planning to travel the US in an RV and help others as we go. I love to teach and I love people so this kind of love would us and many others happy. I have some great kids and fantastic grandkids. I would them to enjoy what the world has to offer while they are still young. We would love to have them join us on the road as often as possible. I would love to work online marketing while traveling to US.
There is still a lot of life to live.
Many best wishes on the soon to be born baby. The best of Health, Wealth and Happiness for the year to come
Rich & Mary
Hi Richard
Best wishes for the coming birth! I have played around with building an online business because I love just being at home with my animals, the resident birdlife and just being and I want more of that. I’ve learnt the more you are happy within the more you can give back. I will never make a big difference to the word but I believe the biggest changes come from the grass roots up.
So to win a copy of the new course, I want you to come up with a funny, crazy or creative story about something you want to do. It can be as crazy or as creative as you like, but I want you to think of something really fun that you’ll be able to do once your online business takes off.
Well Rick,
Thanks for you offer to get a Free copy of your System… BUT I’m not sure what I’ll “be able to do once (my) online busines take soff” is “funny”?
However, it IS going to allow LIFE to be a lot more “FUN” for people who are in trouble and confused about how they are creating the problems in their Life, Body, Business & Relationships, AND how they continue to make specific (Organ/Gland dragon) decisions (programmed by their trauma memory) that continue to recreate their problems.
What I am going to be able to do “once I get my Internet system working” is allow people CLEARLY UNDERSTAND who they are and how they function in their Organ/Gland ENERGY GAME called LIFE!
What is NOT funny is that the primary human problem in the world is CONFUSION about who we are energetically so we can be CONSCIOUS of the decisions/action that quickly SOLVE problems, instead of Unconsciously making decisions/actions that make our problems worse …because we are not clear enough about the subtle aspects of REALITY to make clear decisions quickly that solve our problems with the PERSONAL POWER to so!
I hope this is a worthy enough cause in your eyes to deserve your free offer. which I will use well. And, as a bonus Kristy and I will compensate you and your wife and child in kind …at our “Conscious Living Hot Spring Retreat” next time you are in beautiful Idaho.
For further details on what I’m doing check out these web page: http://ahhacountryspa.com/AhHaSpaProgram_files/frame.htm
Dean G Allen, PhD
You are so lucky and in for quite an experience if this is your first child. But 5000 diapers seems to be way too many. You will average 6 per day or less as todays diapers absorb lots more before they need changing. One warning, if you have a son, always lower the front and quickly close it again or you will get wet. Boys always wet as soon as you expose their shaker to air. Oh, bye the way, my wife and I helped my daughter and her husband, they lived with us for 14 months, raise their triplets the first 14 months and I don’t think we used 5000 diapers during that first 14 months. Your friends should give you a birth diaper shower and only bring diapers as a gift. We do that for all new babies in the family and usually get enough diapers to last the first year. So my daughter now has 5 children and you can guess who has to buy most of their clothes and shoes, yep, grandma and grandpa. So any help we can get is always welcome because children outgrow their clothes and shoes faster than you can buy them. I will give you this site to save you tons on clothing: http://www.magickidsusa.com and enter discount code: MK27794 and you can buy name brand clothing for pennies on the dollar and they are all first quality and not seconds. There, I am helping you save money and dress your son in quality name brand clothing. They do have clothing all the way to adult sizes. Congratulations and good luck with the birth of your son.
I hope you will choose me as you person to mentor because we are getting close to retirement and I would like to finally find a program that really works and to make our retirement years free of financial worries.
Dennis Kirk
Hey Richard,
The fun is just beginning. Congratulations on your new baby.
I was up in Oshkosh, Wisconsin (USA) last week for the Experimental Aircraft Association Airshow. It runs for an entire week and is the largest airshow in the world. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of airplanes up there.
I was watching these two guys get strapped into one of those Ultralights where they are sitting on a seat and the motor is above their heads. They are out in the open and they take off just like an airplane. The only difference is that you don’t have the safety of metal around you. You don’t even have a parachute. Holy cow, what were those guys thinking?
When you go up in one of those ultralights, you better have your will done ahead of time. If you are up in the sky in an ultralight and the motor stops, you better start praying real fast becasue you are going to splat on the ground like a bug.
I am not crazy about the idea of going splat like a bug on a windshield but the the whole flying thing is totally awesome… of course flying in a airplane or helicopter… not an ultralight.
Richard, I want to get my private pilot’s license… either for an airplane or helicopter… it doesn’t matter…
Well, I never made any money until I got “30 Days to Success.” It has taught me a lot, but there is a lot more I need to learn. This program will surely do that for me. I’ve watched the video about it, and it has me intrigued. I’m an old guy (74) so it takes a whole lot to get ME intrigued…
Babies…I love babies, boys or girls it don’t matter. If this is your first let me tell you – you are in for a lot of really fun times, poppy diapers aside. I envy you.
When my business finally takes off the first thing I’m going to do is take my wife by the hand and show her the the profit’s I’m making just so she will finally get off my back for spending more than I make.Secondly I’m going to take a day off work,my regular job, stand in front of a mirror, so that I can have the right facial expression and body language, so that when I can eventually tell my boss that I will no longer need their services and hand them a pink slip stating due to the economy (my lack of funds) that I will have to down size and streamline, and after researching I’m sorry to say that I feel in the best enterest (of my freedom and well being) of all concerned that at this time will no longer need (or want) due to foreign outsourcing(my upcoming travel plans)be able to afford hanging on to their services.Thirdly I’m going to take my wife and mother(86 years young and still likes to party and down a couple of cold frosty beers) out on the town for a nice dinner and then stop in at a local bar by the house to pop some tops ( I just hope she don’t try picking up some of the customer’s in the bar looking for a good time).
If my online business were to take off, I would IMMEDIATELY without hesitation sign up for the nearby Krav Maga and/or Brazilian Ju-Jitsu school and take classes in the middle of the day. I would be available to take my kids to dance, swim, or whatever classes they want (8 yr old twin daughters). My wife would take some college classes (she is non-USA, and is insecure about her English, even though it’s superb). We wouldn’t take outlandish vacations, but we would do a “grand tour” of relatives we haven’t seen for a few years (including some in my wife’s native country).
Finally, I would invest in a business coaching program, so that my business would not only take off – it would SOAR!
Thank you Richard.
The material you have provied – esp. the NLP book – have really helped.
Rick Carter
When you talk of a newborn and all those diapers it bring back memories of the year that my triplets were born. We uses to have diapers delivered by the case of I believe was 288 per box. The formula was the same thing. We got it 2-3 cases at a time. Our kitchen was like a milk factory. We prepared 24-36 baby bottled every night. We had to keep a log of feeding and changes so that we did not feed the same baby twice. I remember when we first started to bring the babies home. The hospital would only allow them to be taken home when they reached 5lbs. Each week as one would reach 5lbs we would take that one home. We had a daughter that was 2yrs at the time and she would wait in the driveway and greet the new baby when we got out of the car. After we got them all home we got a call from the hospital that they were not sure they had check all the babies completely and ask us the bring back one of the babies which we did. My older daughters did not see her mother take one baby out of the house so when my wife returned my daughter knowing who had already had all the babies home said, ‘mommy not another one’. MY kids have never forgotten that story. It will probably be repeated for many years to come.
The best of luck with your soon to be born baby.
Thanks Rich & Mary (and 4 daughters.)
Well Richard, I am 70 next birthday and have always wanted a Harley-Davidson
So that would be the first thing I would buy, then there is the trip to the Grand Canyon
and a flight over it in a microlight plane. The barrel over Niagara falls, well I think it may be a little late for that but a canoe would be fun. A return trip to New York and to walk to the top of the Empire State building again as I did in 1960 when I was 21. They gave us a little plastic meddle in those days BUT IT WILL HAVE TO BE AN OXIGIN CYLINDER THIS TIME. Also I would take a trip to the Statue Of Liberty as I ran out of money last time. Then the new car, nothing to flash 2 seater open top sports car will do fine. Our third great grandchild is due this month so a trip back to England to see the family would be a must. Next year will be our 50th anniversary so something gold for the wife and a skydive for me. That’s just a sample of my list of things to do before I retire but I had better leave some room for others to enter. By for now Tony Cutler
5000 diapers? Sounds like a little much. But don’t buy a bunch all at one time, maybe 3 to 4 weeks at a time. They seem to out grow them as fast as you can bring them in the door. Maybe after 4000 you can make a video so the child can change themselves.? Just a thought. And the Grandparents will be delighted in 2 ways, one when you come to visit, the other when you leave. After the birth you will undoubtably hear from your wife how much discomfort and pain she went through ( for days) then after 6 or 8 months when everything gets back into shape, you will here “maybe we should have another”. This is called “short term memory loss” this is something a Mother will acquire, don’t mistake for long term memory loss, she still will be able to recall your mistakes for years to come.
Good luck and best wishes to you both.
Did someone say Wal-Mart?
Richard if I’m lucky enough to get a copy of Traffic Uncut. Id have a
hot tub installed for hubby and myself for the up comming cold Maine winter nights. Get him a nice pool table..Take a cruise..
The last kid is leaving home in three weeks to her new home..
So I’d get naked and chase hubby all around the house…we’ve dreamed of this for years..
Oh ya pay off the loan of the last ones wedding too..
Enlightened by your helpful birthing class market research, (do you never stop?) I would set myself up in the Online Diapers business, which must be incredibly lucrative given the staggering output of an average baby! Sadly DaipersDirect.com is already taken, – according to Godaddy! NiffyNappy.com IS available, but I’m not sure about that one.
Alternatively I may try nose-pegs.
Bingo! Nosepegs.com is available!!! What a delightful surprise! This could make Millions.
Thanks for yet another great tip off!
John Richie.
Oh I forgot..If you need any advise on diapering..give me a yell..
I’ve rasied 17 and diapered hundreds..I ran an IN-Home Daycare
for over 35 years.. : )
Warmest Wishes
Some great ideas so far guys
Keep ’em coming!
Sorry have no such big door for all that traffic.
The two best ways I have heard of to raise a child #1 enjoy them untill they are old enough to not believe in SANTA Clause then lock them in the closet untill they are 18.#2 bUY a good book on how to train a puppy an follow it LOL
A new baby! Your life will never be the same! Enjoy them while they are young because the years go by fast and before you know it they will be graduationg high shcool.MY fun thing would be to go to Utah to meet 4 siblings I found out I had 2 years ago when we were looking for my mother. I was raised by my dads grandparents. She pasted away 6 months before we found her. Plus, 2 other sisters, that I found several years ago still have not met yet, so I want them to get together and also go with us to meet the rest of the family.
Hey Richard,
If 5000 diapers is overwhelming. How about…
All the clothes and shoes this little guy is going to go thru before he leaves home..
The food…
The pets he’ll want…
The sports gear…
The birthday parties…
The computer Games and Gear
The School trips…
The school fees…
The College fees…
If I don’t win Traffic Uncut I think I’ll just wait around for Version 2..3…4…I’m sure to get lucky sometime!!!!
If I do win a copy of Traffic Uncut I think I’ll celebrate with “fish n chips and champagne” on the beach and dream about all the things that will change when the internet business finally begins to produces that elusive additional income.
Best Wishes to you, your wife and the new little guy. You are in for the best experience and wildest ride of your life. Enjoy every moment they grow up all too soon.
Hi Richard,
First off, congratulations to you and your wife! I know how exciting it would be to be a parent. My daughter will be six at end of August. My sister just told me last week that I will be a uncle in eight months! I’m excited for her as well, of course.
I don’t have much of a fun story to tell…
But if I were to succeed in this internet business, which I’m fully intending to do, I would take my daughter to Disney Land! I have not had the time due to full time employment, to do any “fun” things with my family. So, before I left for the Chicago Master’s Seminar, I told myself, no, promised myself that this will be the breakout year for me. I will have made enough to not having to spend time in a full time j.o.b. and spend more time with my daughter and my family.
Anyhow, that’s my story…
Thank you,
Hi Richard, my plans are pretty simple, when my online business takes off, I plan to travel for a year or two, go to all the places and countries I´ve allways want it to go to, meet alot of women, have alot of fun, eat my favorite frijoles), have my favorite drinks go to the best hotels, and then after those couple of years I´ll come back to my wife and brin her alot of presents from all the countires that I visit, and if she still loves me, I´m planning to stay with her. that would be nice.
Hi Richard,
Congrats on the upcoming aaddition to your family. When my business takes off I plan to take my wife on a surprise vacation to Australiaand maybe to poland to see some of her relatives.Maybe to disneyland in florida.I know that she would very much enjoy vacations like these very much.
Good luck and best wishes to you both
Ronald Arnold
Dear Richard,
Let me please help you out of your misery!
Here’s the deal:
You give me Traffic Uncut so I can generate more traffic for promoting your Richard Legg products as an affiliate (which I already am btw).
That way the baby can poop in all the diapers he or she wants to poop in, Mrs Legg will be happy because she won’t ever has to wash any cotton or linen diapers (better for he baby’s butt also).
With Mrs Legg happy and not worrying about diapers anymore, you both can have more quality time together with the baby.
And .. I can also earn a buck or so!
So everybody will be happy happy joy joy and it’s a win – win situation for everyone involved!
How’s that for a plan?
Daniël, The Hague, The Netherlands
Hey Richard! Congrats on the baby! Ha Ha You are a daddy now, no more hangin’ out late after those IM seminars getting all crazy!
Geez, if I had my freedom and made it online… i would probably go to another seminar and do a radical wrestling move on Russell Brunson, find Harris Fellman and hand him a weight watchers dinner or get up on stage make up this crazy coaching program charging $10,000!
Seriously, I would take you and your family out to Joe’s Crab Shack for some grub!
Talk to you soon,
Dear Sir,Please do not consider me for the free course.I am already up to my eye balls in income and capital gains is my new favorite swear word. I have a career that lets me work very little yet wield great power. Your course will only send me down the road to more time off and writing bigger checks for the tax man.Please have mercy. More cash would mean that I would have to go good on my canine rescue shelter promise and heaven knows I cannot possibly stand anymore affection from those pesky muts. Thanks for your help:) Rick
When I make my fortune I shall need it to colonize another planet since if every baby is causing 2,000 dispolable nappies to be thrown away there won’t be much space left on this planet.
I wonder how much the marketers who came up with the idea of disposable nappies made? I guess we are talking billions here. I don’t suppose they cared too much about the effects of their money making schemes.
Good luck with the new arrival. It will be a wonderful and life changing event, as well as nappy changing, of course.
Hi Richard
Well I am new to your list and blog, but I find it very interesting. I am trying out your Succeed in 30 Days.
About the baby, congratulations. We just had our first grandson born last Wednesday. Diapers, yes most likely quite a few. Been many a year since I changed diapers. My aim in life is to provide enough income so his mother can stay home and raise him. And I can get back to my favorite hobby of genealogy and spending as much time as I want on my computer. Not real creative or funny or what ever.
But I do have one goal. That is to buy and sell enough Ambertose, so all of my sick friends and relatives can get better and maybe not die before their time.
Well any way best of luck and many happy days of parenthood to you and your wife.
Wishing you and yours, Happiness, Peace, Prosperity and Many Many
Sandra McFerren
My wife and I have five children so I’ve lost count the number of nappies we’ve used up!! We love children, so when (not if) I make it big in internet marketing, I will organize children’s parties for terminally ill children in hospitals and nursing homes. I’ll give them a reason to laugh, with clowns, magic shows, balloons, prizes, music and games, the works! In fact, I’ll be one of the performers as I’m used to working with children and youth as a pastor.
5000 nappies/diapers…you should also know, that is the appoximate number of outfits they will pop on or puke on in the same period of time. Understand, whenever there is a strong odor attached with it, know for sure it will be your turn to do the changing. We have been greatly blessed with 7 precious children and would love more is God so desires. When you look into their face and they smile, you will forget you ever changed one. If you have a boy, remember that things point down before you seal it up. Although it is more fun for those that know to just watch it happen but you have been warned.
Online marketing, if I could get a small income that would grow, I could replace my employed income and spend more time with my wife and children. We want to get a small farm and raise chickens and grow some vegtables together. Life is so fast these days we tend to miss what life is really all about. So there is the dream, a super duper business from the farm. Folk will drive up and say, “That can’t be the place.”
Be greatly blessed with the coming of your blessing, DO NOT miss watching him/her appear, and speak up for your wife during delivery and be her advocate so they don’t push her around.
P.S. One thing you must NEVER do is stand between a pregnant women and the toilet. It can get you killed…
Hi Richard
New to all this so auto-responders etc..still swirling about in my head.
Ah yes, congratulations to you and your wife. Joyous event.
I raised 7 kids. I remember,when they were still little ,when my wife and I returned home from a hard day’s work, and we were sitting in the living room,some of the kids would clamber all over me,sit on my lap and slide down my legs, others would be reading or watching TV. Things looked peaceful and happy and I felt contented.
It was many years later,my children told my wife and I , that when we were away, they would be climbing tall coconut trees,the water tanks that were perched high , etc..The stories were somewhat scary.
So,when things look too peaceful , and you feel very contented, maybe it would be a good idea to wonder a little.
If this online business takes off, I think I’ll pour funds into helping kids get good education.
In case you need a little “visual motivation”:
Check out the photos from our trip! I hope your sunburn is better and your wife enjoyed the all day massages and spa treatments!
I really need to win this, because if I don’t I can’t become a millionaire, which will cost you money in the long run, cause I plan on giving you 10 percent as soon as I reach the goal of being a millionare… that’s 100,000 to you as soon as I reach my goal, which I will never do if you don’t make me a winner instead of a whiner, and if that isn’t enough for you, I have a dream of planting hybrid tomatoes on mars, melting the ice particles that they recently discovered there and using the water to cultivate these plants in a vacuum sealed environment that will of course cost money, which I will not have if I don’t get your free gift.
Kids are great fun. When they start talking. you never know what’ll they say.
Like the two new born babies laying side by side in the hospital. The little girl baby says to the little boy baby “I’m a litlle girl baby, what are you?” The little boy baby says “I’m a little boy baby”. The little girl baby says “How do you know?” The little boy baby lifts up his nightie and says see……..”Blue booties” (Are you smilin?)
OH NO AND DOUBLE NO… my post didn’t show up! GRRRR! Okay… here we go again darn it!
OKAY… seriously… if you really want to know what I’m going to do WHEN my online business is booming… I’m going to take all of my mentors on an exotic trip to Dubai or perhaps Maldives… I’m undecided at this point. However, my intention will be to reward those who truly walked the path beside me and helped my success to become the reality it will be. Of course, this is an all inclusive, all expense paid trip and you’re invited to bring one guest (and of course your little one if you can’t find a babysitter) In addition, I’ll be inviting 10 newbie IMers who will have the captive attention of these mentors and it won’t cost THEM a dime either!!! Kinda of a pay it forward thing!
OH MY GOSH… I just had the most awesomest idea! Richard… DUH! Why didn’t I think of this sooner… YOU could secure your spot as one of my foundational mentors RIGHT NOW!! Just imagine, sitting on the beach of Dubai reminiscing about the “good old days’ when you gave away that pivotal FREE DVD set that truly started it all! OH WON’T THAT BE FUN! BUT WAIT
OK, Richard, here’s the more “odd” thing(s) I want to do (obviously, I have lots of more serious goals):
I’m a 59 year old, 70-80 pound overweight lady. I have lost 30#s without any of that infamous “EXERCISE”! However……
Came up with a “fantasy” way of doing my preferred type of exercise, walking, ALL YEAR ROUND (I live in Montana where, at least, half the year it’s slippery outside). So I would create the “perfect” walking environment. I would build a building that would house a mile long “track”, uphill and downhill around and around (one mile in length that could be repeated as many times as the number of miles one wished to walk). The building would be completely climate controlled. Meaning, the temperature would be comfortable for walking, no matter the outdoor conditions; a slight breeze would keep one refreshed; “music” would be playing “outdoor” sounds, birds, a brook, etc.; AND, there would be “virtual reality” headsets to be worn with your favorite “path” (in my case a country land) to “feel” as though you are walking through.
A second thing, is something that “sounds” kinda funny but is in truth serious: My brother hasn’t been able to take care of his teeth the way he should and, currently, only has about 9 teeth left. So I would get him a mouth full of teeth, be it by implant or dentures – his choice!
What is you new baby’s name?
Pampers, huggies,etc are common now, but back in the seventies when I was in the military and the pay wasn’t that great you had to to do what you could to to keep your babies dry. When my wife and I visited our friends one day, my wife noticed that some pampers were hanging on a clothes line. after my wife talked to my friends wife who was from the Phillipines, she found out that she was washing the pampers to reuse them. I don’t think she was very successful but my wife suggested she use cloth diapers instead. With my success, I can buy those 5000 huggies for my daughter who is due to have her baby in September 2008. May God bless you with a healthy baby and enjoy him or her every day of your life.
Thinking about kids, we had three. One at $1,000 one at $2,000 and one at $3000. When my wife was carrying the first she was having delivering and had gone into labor. The nurse came in and said that they were going to give her a shot to make her very comforable so they could do a c section and take out the girl we were expecting. As the nurse pushed my wife out she turned her head and mouthed to me that they were taking the child asap. After my wife gave birth and she was hirting I was standing beside her bed and the nurse came in and started pushing on her stomach and the next thing i heard my wife saying was are you alright. Sure I was all right I had passed out seing all that blood. When she related the story every one was laughing at me. I was the strong man that had fallen on the floor. I did not think it was funny but every one else did.
If I had the money I would like to build me a log cabin on top of a mountain a hill or whatever. Then I could yodel like the swiss even though I can’t yodel. Perhaps get a pair of shorts with the straps on them. Then I could dance like they slapping my thighs and feet. Even though I can’t dance. If you saw my bony legs and knobby knees you would get a good laugh from that. It would be like the Ben Colder or Sheb Wooley song “I Don’t Look Good Naked Anymore”. However I would not be like a beached white whale at the nude beach. I might be more of a beached eel.
Just wondering how many nappies, as we say in Australia, my friend Merryn used when she had quintuplets! In the beginning, being so small they could have shared them!
Hey Richard,
First off, Congratulations on your soon to be ankle-biter, Just remember, 9 months of pain leads to a lifetime of gain. I personally have 7 children and 4 grandchildren that I love completely and with no regrets, Even tho i do not always agree with what they do or how they go about doing it. Enjoy the early years especially, Before they learn the words ” NO ” and “WHY ” You think the diapers are going to be bad ?! Wait til the edumacation starts (southern slang!) Children are the foundation of our future and need the guidance of educated and loving people aound them! I realize this isnt going to make anyone laugh and I probably won’t get your product but simply being able to converse with youand wish you and your wife the best of luck is more than enough for me! (yeah right) One more thing, Be careful when putting your child on your shoulders! Make sure you do a dooty check first! A friend of mine did not heed these warnings at the Flea Market saturday and we all know the consequences!! Good Luck and may God be with you! (you will need the help!)
LOL, Richard, it’s not the number of nappies you need to focus on, it’s the **** that goes with them. But that’s what makes your garden grow so don’t be afraid to get in and help out.
My children are all grown up now, but I have my 2 beautiful grandaughters as reward and during the ‘terrible two’s’ and the even more ‘terrible teenagers’ focus on that and remember the pleasure they give back is worth it.
As for what will I do when my business takes off? Straight off to Disneyland in Florida with my girls. Always wanted to take my own when they were small but couldn’t afford it. We did get to go to Disneyland Paris (I’m from the UK so it’s closer to home), but I always felt they missed out on the real deal.
Don’t want my grandchildren to miss out. And come to think of it, neither do I. So yes, the Disneyland fund is my priority. I will pass on your best wishes to Mickey and the gang when I get there.
Not if but when my online business takes off I will start working on my bucket list. I don’t wanna bore you with the boring details of my bucket list but there is one part of that list that could be very entertaining. I’ve been totally out of touch socially for the last two years and once I’m able to see the money rolling in I will pull a huge surprise on my friend Joe. I always joked that if I won the lottery I’d show up at his door and take him off to Hawaii or where ever he wants to go. The look on his face at that moment will be priceless. He will be even more surprised when he finds out it’s all from an online business. I hope you’ll be able to help.
Thanks Richard,
hi richard my name is marie wheat and i am a self employed 45 year old carpet cleaner who has no employees i am a one woman show. i have two kids at home and my husband jerome has a 9-5 J.O.B. i pray that one day he actually starts to learn and APPLY!!! some things that he has purchased online. he has downloads from any and every body alk these what he call gurus such as russell filsaime and mike brunson something like that but there is many and i do mean many more. from purchased products to free downloads. he says his niche is going to be called the RENEGADE REDNECK and as soon as he makes his first money online he to will be this big guru. the only thing that is big is his big redneck budweiser belly. anyhow the first thing i would do is take back my bank card that always seems to magically end up in his wallet. wheeew!! any how i pray one day his dreams come tru and we can take a well deserved cruise that way his dream will be fullfilled. he is actually quite a simpleton i mean his dream is this: to be a respected guru i guess thats what they call it some budweiser and as he calls it his redneck ferrari. ha ha it is a 71 ford pinto hotrod but why try and change his simple mind any way thanks richard……… marie (i miss having my bank card) wheat
You know something Richard. For the past 12 months I have been searching and trying and creating and producing and selling (not enough)
of my own DVDs on Marketing.
There I sit in THAT ROOM (says my wife). where I continue to persevere in letting the world know what wonderful things I can do for them!
When this online business really takes off, I will walk out of THAT ROOM
and say to my wife. “Excuse me Madam – but what is your name?” ” You look so gorgeous today” . ” May I have the pleasure of spending a romantic evening with you at the venue of your choice?”
She will then respond with words like ” Are you feeling OK dear ?”
Do you need to see a Doctor?”.
I will the return with her to THAT ROOM and show her my latest Paypal statement on the Computer showing how oodles of money that just came swarming in over the last 24 hours.
She will then respond by saying ” Darling ” .
You just can’t win can you Richard?
Best wishes to you and your family
from Dave Fenton
Hi Richard,
Let me quote first these verses for your baby:
“I knew you even before you were conceived ~Jeremiah 1:4-5” “I chose you when I planned creation ~Ephesians 1:11-12” “I determined the exact time of your birth and where your would live ~Acts 17:26” “You are fearfully and wonderfully made ~Psalm 139:14″ I knit you together in your mother’s womb ~Psalm 71:6″ My plan for your future is always filled with hope ~Jeremiah 29:11”
Indeed those compiled verses are true for each and every one of us especially to your baby.
Congratulations for God entrusting a new baby boy to you!
May blessings of good health be on your baby upon birth and God’s guidance be always be upon him when he starts to walk the the path of this journey called “life”…
And congrats to your new upcoming product and nice to know you’ve thought of giving some few free copies!
In as much as I want to grab 1 copy, hmm.. I don’t have a story that’s fun but…
“If you give me a copy, I’ll effectively apply them in my business. And I believe together with all my resources, that would take my business to a greater level and when I’m in a new heights then that would mean Im made richer – when I’m made richer, then I can make you richer by my high ticket item purchases from you! lol!
But seriously that makes sense..
Anyway one of my goals in my business is to support the church where I’m currently staying – a mission house.
Currently Im pooling out some amount from my sales from one of my sites to support the church’ mission. Already was able to buy 1 pair huge 500 watts speakers from http://www.MonthlyPrivateLabelVideos.com sales.
And planning to do a sale by the end of the month or the first of next month to fund a mixer amplifer and a multimedia projector. For the purpose of songs to be projected through powerpoint during Sunday Services and during outreaches in the villages as opposed to carrying bags of binders of songs.
It’s a small church here in the Philippines but got missions in the remote villages in the North. Be putting up a blog for photos.
Richard, can I do an ad here? hehe…
(please feel free to remove if inappropriate)
***If you want to support our fund drive for our upcoming sale for our sites at http://www.immotnamarketing.com, please submit a ticket at:
http://immotnamarketing.com/support ***
Feel fee to visit our sites which we run at sale at the above link.
Currently lined up to on this fund drive is Eric Holmlund.. Thanks Eric!
and the Philippine folks.. And yeah, jeepneys! Just be a part of this fund drive sale by submitting a ticket please through the above link…
When we do the fund drive sale, we’ll also make live the site for the church for you to see the photos of the villages I go..
Anyway back to the story, that’s the thing which I want to do – actually what I’m doing while my business is starting to take off.
And I believe your product Richard might be of great help when combined with my other resources and of course ACTION to reach my goal. Hope I’d be able to grab 1 free copy..
Thanks and sorry if the story bored some..
But it makes sense I believe and it’s meaningful for every internet marketer to do similar endeavors on our journey to success – and by doing this success is at an easy grip!
Thanks again Richard and good luck on your next product launch!
God bless you and your wife, your baby, (children ?),
Andy Immotna
Hello Mr. & Mrs Richard Legg,
Greetings & congratulations to you both.
A child is the greatest gift from God. The first-born always stands out the most. It will be a 360 degree swing in your daily activities. If possible, a child shouldn’t be left ALONE unwatched even for a shorthile.
Ten years ago I was forced to leave my then 7 & 8 year-old boys alone unwatched, in the new & beautiful five-storey 5th-floor Gov.apartment; while I went to work at KLIA nearby. While they were playiny outside, a strong current of wind closed & locked the only open door. Both the boys climbed to the top of the roof, coolly removed 2 tiles & the younger fellow JUMPED down about 12 feet into the store-room. Luckily for him the store door was left opened.
The sheer pleasure of being with the new arrival & seeing it GROWING each day outweighs everything else in life. So enjoy those precious mements of up-coming life.
God Bless Always
Hi Richard, Meshack here from Gaborone, Botswana.
When I was at junior school( I was doing form 2 here in Botswana), I was taught English Language by my brother. I did not like it but had no choice.
The only way I could avoid being taught by him was by changing schools. But as a young person, I really did not have that leeway. What at times bothered me about him was his excessive sense of humor. After cracking jokes, as it were, during breaks, my classmates would congregate around me asking me if some of the things he said were true.
There was this particular time where he mentioned that he went to a groceries store which was adjacent to the Community Hall in our village.
As he was leaving the groceries store, he saw “LEGGS’ moving by themselves. The upper body was simply not there. It was just waist down to the “LEGGS”.
The “LEGGS” were moving towards him.
What did he do?
He ran like he never ran his entire life.
Running home as you can imagine.
But now I hope my brother will never behold the “LEGGS” alone as a new member of the body is imminent. Once this new member of the body comes, the body will be complete.
Yes, the baby will complete the circuit.
And other babies will just be a huge bonus to the “LEGGS”
Once I land Traffic Uncut, I will pay my brother a visit, and say, “Look at what your “LEGGS” have done for me!”
All the best with the new “addition”, the “addition” will add to the “LEGGS” and complete the body and oneness you have been enjoying as a couple
Best regards
Meshack More
Gaborone, Botswana
Hiya Richard,
Thanks for this opportunity. I know one thing in my life. I do not really LOVE MONEY. I need it but IT is not my aim in this online business.
So, I just need your help with your product to make me “IN” on THIS ONLINE BUSINESS by getting the right tool in hand to passing by this business challenge.
Thank you for reading this.
My God bless you and yours wife and the little Richard.
I am new to all this, no i do not have a website and don’t no where to begin.l would like your book so i can start working for my self and get out of this dead end job once and for all. mr k wilson
Hi Richard,
Congratulations! The first always has that certain something as they are your “practice” child. Always remember that when kids are quiet there is something untoward going on probably smearing the bathroom or elsewhere with lipstick or lighting a fire in the bedroom to see if the matches work. It’s not always this bad however quiet kids are a worry.
When my online marketing gets going I’m going to visit Antartica for 10 days working and sightseeing, fabulous. I flew over antartica for new years eve 98/99 and it has been my dream to go back on one of these trips ever since and when money was enough, after all the bills were paid I would donate as much as I could to keeping this place as pristine as possible.
This may not be funny but if could see the magificence of this place you would also want to go back
Hi Richard , Well Baby pastimes are very much humorous alone I don’t think you will need anybody to make you laugh
Anyhow , here is what you I know you will like and appreciate if you try this out. Many Babies have pain in stomach for few months as you may hear. We solved this problem with MUSIC and we are so happy we can sleep well ….
Just choose few Cd’s with pleasant positive kind of music and play it NOW to your baby . U can use headphones if you wish it is really powerfull.
When your son comes to this world , he will remember this sounds and fall to sleep quite fast , forget about stomach pain etc. You will be really happy if you act on this now and reap the fruits of it very soon.
Well Richard, what can I say.
I know you don’t know what caused this because it took us several babies, 8 to be exact, before we realised it was moving house that was causing the trouble.
The only time we were not pregnant, or feeding bubs, was when we eventually settled in the house we lived in for 13 years.
We tricked the system because by that time the doctors actually did what they refused to do (considered that 28 years old, 3 babies in tow, she was too young to have her tubes tied) some time before.
So then we took on 2 young, troubled teenagers, fostered them and now have 14 Grandchildren (so far).
Good Luck to you both. Enjoy the youngsters as much as we have. They grow up too quickly.
Hi Richard
I don’t know if this is really a funny story or not, but here goes anyway:
Some people are blessed with many things. One in particular is the ability to sing. As a child I wanted to sing. Singing was to be in the ‘in’ group. Sunday school had a children’s choir, day school had a choir. But no matter how hard I tried I was never accepted into either group. My voice it seemed, lacked the necessary quality to sing like an angel.
As I grew older my mother often told me that I could sing. unfortunately she always added “in the same off key note”.
High school came alongbut I didn’t try the choir. I was a gangly skinny kid and I wasn’t about to add to it by being humilated at failing the choir selection as well.
In the army it didn’t matter what key you sang in… being drunk most of the time covered the fact that my singing notes were about as dull as a howitzer shell being ejected.
Time bled on… I joined a church and singing hymns became a favorite… My offkey tones caused many a sideways glance, but then I was praising the Lord so being a dozen keys short of a song didn’t matter so much. I tried to join the church choir. At the trial the Pastor took me aside and told me that while he appreciated my keeness he told me very politely that I “couldn’t hold a note in a bucket” and that my off key monotones were putting everybody else off too.
So here I am.. mid to late fifties.. but never giving up on the idea of being a singer. Before I die I want to learn how to sing correctly. I’m hoping there is someone out there that has the patience of a saint and the willingness to teach me some on-key doh ray me’s. My ambition is to front a rock band.. even if it’s just for one song.
Finally: Diapers! I’ve heard that the average diaper takes about 500 years to break down in a rubbish dump. So 5000 nappies per year per baby means the archeologists of the future are going to be damned surprised when they dig that lot up.. contents intact.
Hi Richard,
You should give this to me because once my business takes off, you will be proud to be a part of my success
The craziest thing I’ll do then is to go to your place one night (I live in Geneva, Switzerland) and babysit your baby for free so you can have a nice evening with your wife.
Of course I will bring diapers with me so you even save money on diapers that night.
If Christina breastfeeds, no problem, I can give her the diapers and you and I can go to the pub and have fun together !
Ok, if you absolutely want to have this free evening with your wife and not me, she will have to pump her milk, it’s very easy when you know how to do it.
Seriously Richard, think about it, buy the breastpump now : http://www.breastpumps.co.uk/ (it is not an affiliate link, as you see)
That night also, I’ll drive to your place with a nice car and you and your wife will be allowed to use my car. There will be a toss to decide who drives the car.
When you are back home after your nice evening, I’ll stay with you for the rest of the night because you got the complete free gift night package.
I’ll be in charge to change diapers and give bottle to your little one during the night until 9 am. You can call me anytime with the cell phone I gave you at the beginning of the evening so it won’t cost you anything, and I’ll bring you whatever you need.
Hopefully you won’t need anything. I’ll check my paypal account on my laptop at 3 am after changing my fifth diaper of the night, and will see that I made ten sales that night. I will be so happy that I decide to serve you breakfast in your bedroom the next morning,
in my bathing suit because I can’t wait to try your swimming pool !
Hey Richard, wake up ! Your dream is over. This will not happen if you don’t give this to me.
If my business takes off, the plane will take off with me on board, soon.
Last thing Richard, if you don’t want to spend all your money in diapers, try this : http://www.fuzzibunz.com/ (I won’t make money with that either) You can find them in the UK !
Good luck with the birth
Hi Richard !
This is Philippe from France (Paris).
And first of all, I’d like to thank you for all the materials and advices you shared with us so far.
For a newbie like me, Internet Marketing is like a jungle, with lots of unknown territories where it’s pretty hard to find your way, and connect what you can read and learn here and there with your own target or project. It’s like a big puzzle you need to go through, but you don’t have a user manual to tie all the pieces together.
And I need to say it’s a really good feeling to get across someone who takes your hand, and shows you all the stuff, as an elder brother or caring father would do.
Well, here is my own story…
A couple of years ago, as I was a full-time student at the University, I created a small tutoring business with a class mate.
From the very beginning, we decided to dedicate a part of our part-time teachers’time to a non-profit association that help students in poor suburbs. The idea was that the company would take 10% of its profit, and pay for hours of tutoring for these underprivileged kids.
The impact we had on these kids was really great and appreciated, but unfortunately we had to stop that 2 years ago because the business angels who fund the development of our network of branches (6 until now) said that there was no room for charity until each and every branch of the company has reached the break-even point and started to generate a profit.
That sounds logical indeed -For sure, you can only help others when you are yourself in a position to do so-, but still…this left us quite frustrated.
We had no choice. We had to stop it overnight.
Today, one challenge we face is increasing the number of customers for our service. So far, we mainly rely on word-of-mouth of satisfied parents, but we really need something more to accelerate the development of our new branches (4 out of 6) so that they can reach break-even asap.
And at the same time, we have very limited ressources to allocate to marketing, so that’s a kind of catch 22 situation.
A few weeks ago, I got this idea that if we couldn’t afford to advertise massively like the other mamouths of the industry do, maybe we could manage to be the n°1 on line. And I started looking for some information about SEO, auto responders, traffic generation, etc…
Well, today, after watching your videos, I really dream I could make a great contribution to the company and accelerate the way to break-even, so that we have less pressure from our business angels, and start again our non-profit tutoring activity, which was one of our core idea at the beginning, but that we had to abandon on the way.
If I can help the company thanks to this course, we will restore our charity activity, and for sure we will help all these kids that start with a big disadvantage in life compared to more privileged ones.
Many thanks for all Richard, and all my greetings for the baby coming.
Warmest Regards,
Paris, France.
Hi Richard,
Congratulations to you and your wife and the soon arrival of your baby!!! The arrival of our one and only son was the most joyful time of our marriage. I didn’t have any nieces or nephews or younger sisters or brothers to practice changing diapers. The first time I had to chance our son’s diaper in the hospital was a mind boggling experience. I was trying to figure out how to put the diaper on while my my doctor was coming down the hall talking and laughing. He came in my room and saw the dilemna, laughed and said I’ll come back in a little while.
The night before my husband and I were to take our son home, I stayed up reading a baby book that explained how to take care of a newborn. Seeing the light on in my room at 2:00 a.m., the nurse brought in a baby for me to nurse. Whoops, wrong room. My son Shawn (gift of God) grew up to be a fine young man who is an officer in the Marines. His wife is expecting their first child August 16th. Shawn is going to be deployed August 25th. We are praying that he will be their to support his wife when their precious baby girl is born.
Your baby will bring you much joy! May God continue to bless you and your family in every way.
When my online business becomes successful, I want to become a foster parent. I used to work with foster children and their parents and have always wanted to become a foster parent. My husband is building our retirement home whenever he comes home from work. We will have two extra bedrooms and hope to be able to help children who have not been as blessed by being a part of a loving family.
May you and your wife and little one be blessed in every way.
PS I don’t have a website yet but plan on starting Adsense sites in different niches with links to affiliate programs. I have alot of information and just need to know how to attract traffic to a website.
Hi Richard,
Congratulations – wonder if green technology could fashion your, soon to be, nappy mountain into some form of eco house?
Well, when I’ve made my vast fortune, I’ll buy a small island (can Australia still be bought for the price of a refereeing decision?) and contemplate the world.
Or, and this is a tad more likely, I’ll sit in the garden of my palacial two up two down end of terrace home in South Essex and day spend the summer* watching the grass grow.
Of course my bank may have other ideas for my wealth in the short term future.
*summer may vary from county to county, weather people should not be pointed and laughed at in the street for getting it wrong, the estimated time of summer this year is August 28 1pm – 1.27pm.
Hey Richard,
I am jealous! Yes I am. I am jealous of you. Every damn thing in your life seems to be perfect (well, except the scary diaper requirement).
Why? Lets see –
What you have that I dont:
1. An exploding online business.
2. A lovely wife.
3. A wonderful child in near future.
4. F R E E D O M
What you dont have that I have:
2. LOTS of time to play in the office cubicle
3. Sleepless nights (ha ha, I really enjoy these)
4. And many many many WONDERFUL things…
No doubt I am jealous of you.
See my dear Richard. You are really a good guy, excellent in your profession. But that does not affect my intentions in the slightest possible way that I want to rob your online business(hey, dont get frantic, I am only joking, ha ha). See, if you give me the product, what do you stand to lose? NOTHING. Instead, I will pray for you and your family. And what will I get? HELL LOT. The little amount of money that I have earned online is solely because of you(this is not at all joke). So no doubt I dearly want this product. So you are having this golden opportunity of lifetime to save a frustrated guy from his miseries. Dont lose this chance. Please please dont….
I am promising you that after full fledged work and more sleepless nights when I get some decent profit, the first thing I will do is to make a statue of yours and worship it every day. I will also send you real life pictures of me doing that. It is a rock solid promise(Exactly like the iron clad money back guarantees). So have you started seeing the possibilities in me…
Hoping miserably that I will be able to end the miseries of my life soon…
Your jealous worshipper,
Hi Richard,
Congratulations to you & your wife! That’s really great you have a new blessing on the way. I have 5 kids myself, all 6 & under (no, there are no twins). I am only 27. Yep my husband is a stud.
If my online business takes off, which I hope & pray it will, we will be able to do LOTS of fun things. There is lots of fun with 5 little children anyways, but there would be so much less stress financially. I am a SAHM (stay at home mom) & my hubby works hard to provide for all of us, but is limited in how much he can make due to a learning disability. So we are always stretched financially. We have never been on a family vacation, not a vacation at all; not even a honeymoon! So I think that is where we would possibly start, is to take some time off to enjoy each other & go visit some place new. I also have family out of state & haven’t seen them for years due to no vacation money!
You see, I am an artist & my husband has encouraged me to keep on with my artwork, as he says I am talented. I always told him I don’t have time (I homeschool too) but just recently I started drawing again & found out I can still draw, which is great of course! I have my website thrown together, literally. But as I work on it day by day I will fix it up better & add my new artwork to it, in the hopes that I can help out my husband, while still raising our 5 children.
Other fun things we would do is be able to take our children on field trips for their schooling & hopefully be able to purchase a bigger house as we’ve quite outgrown this 1100 square footer!
Well anyways, I wish you both the best with that new little bundle of joy (oh & by the way my husband stopped changing any diapers at child #2), & thanks for offering to give away 3 of your courses for free! No matter who you choose, I’m sure you will pick the right people.
God bless you guys.
Hi Richard:
First congrats on the upcoming birth of your child. I know that was the greatest experience of my life.
Talking about diapers just think how lucky you are to have disposable diapers. Just open them up, quickly (I mean real quick) wipe your child’s butt and quickly wrap it up and you’re done. How lucky and easy that is. In the old days you would have used cloth diapers. Just think of that job, washing 5000 diapers. I bet you and the wife would not be happy doing that. What about the poor guy or gal who worked for the diaper delivery service. Talk about a stinking job! I don’t know about you, but that job would be the absolute dirtiest, nastiest, way to make a living(barely). So when you ponder the cost of 5,000 diapers consider yourself lucky you have the convenience of disposables. Also, what a great market to enter
“discount diapers- All you wanted to know about baby poop.” Just think of the possibilities…..HA Ha
Good luck,
Hi Richard,
This is Richard here, a big CONGRATS on the new-to-be Legg family member! I can feel how excited you both are as I have 2 myself – 4 yrs old & 8 mths old…..& I witnessed both deliveries!
The first experience was great, I held to my wife’s arm the whole “process & keep motivating her..push..push, but without her knowledge, I was actually terrified of BLOOD, phobia, seriously. For the first hour, I kept asking “dear, do you wish to call mom inside the room?” (her mom was actually outside the theatre & only one member allowed) It was actually my excuse to escape as my legs were shaking!
Unexpectedly she replied, “pls stay, pls stay”.hhmmmm and the same question kept repeating with the same replies.
Finally after more than 2 hours, our baby appeared!!! YES!!! and at last the surgeon said , “sir, kindly wait outside as we need to clean things up”. , my pleasure!…then everything blackened.
When I woke up on the sofa outside, it was the happiest moment, my baby son crying in the next room & my wife was OK.
Later on, when we had a quiet time together, I just whispered to her,”honey, did you know I was exteremely terrified back there? I must admit, I am phobia of blood”.
Surprisingly, she replied,” I know, remember when we first met? There was a blood donation campaign & you voluntered after seeing me signing up just to stand next to me. But when your turn comes, you simply dissapeared! I knew the trick all along honey. It was also another trick to get mom inside the room earlier, right?” I was speechless…..
Anyway, it was an amazing experience & I am glad I witnessed the whole magical moments of god’s creation.
So, it was just to share my personal & touching memories. I’m sure you’ll share yours when the time comes.
These shall be my website theme, all visitors around the world to share their magic moments, be it funny, emotional or romantic stories. This shall help others to ease their depression, to learn from these meaningful stories & make our world a better place.
Hope I’m selected Richard, & we shall improve our population as member of “Smile Club” via our website.
Richard Looi
Hi Richard,
Thanks a lot for your videos…nice to see videos that actually teach me ways to get traffic and NOT how to get something from the universe.
Congrats on your first child (lil legg)!
What I would like to do when (notice no if) my future online empire starts to take off:
– donate a lot of time and money to help the needy
– take my wife on a surprise vacation
– be there for my family
– never open any SPAM again
– make my own product and have a diaper fund some
day, make product #2 for a college fund
– buy poor kids toys and candy
– make my own funded proposal, so I don’t have to fund
anyone elses , leave me alone you damn gurus!!
– never be an affiliate for crappy products, but instead have
my own affiliates
– never have checks bounce (hehe!)
– never watch tv on a small screen!
– never be tempted to open safelist messages
– never exchange traffic
– never PAY a lot for traffic
– skydive without a parachute (jk)
– bungee jump off a bridge in New Zealand
– snooze my alarm til noon
– watch morning shows (Today, GMA)
– never rush off to work in the am
– stay out late any night of the week
– never have problems getting traffic to my sites
– be buddies with Richard Legg
The END! Now, please send me my TrafficUncut!
Hello Richard!
Hello Mrs. Legg (you’re watching this, eh?…)
…well, you should! You should keep an eye on Richard all the time.
He’s a real fortune.
Now, as I’m one of your affiliates, I wish you a great success with all of your Internet businesses. Especially this new launch on Monday.
I have a ‘word’ I usually say to other people on the verge of wishing me something. Just before they open their mouth, I use to pop-up (hi, hi..) and tell them:
“Whatever you will wish me, I’ll wish back to you three times more!”
(I’m a non-native English speaker from Romania, so I hope this sounds good to your ears).
Therefore, as I really plan to make a fortune online, I started to write my own eBook called:
“The Decision Tree For The IM Newbie On The Step-By Step Way To Success” written from the point of view of a fellow IM newbie, rather than a sort of ‘guru’, but hopefully sincere enough to catch their attention.
(I’m not sure yet if that’s the final title, but it shows the general idea…)
So, here’s the deal:
If you pick me for your free gift (which, btw, I’m sure it will help me a lot), not necessarily when I’ll be rich, but when my new site presenting this eBook will be ready, I will immediately give you not one, but three free eBooks, with full Resale Rights attached :-))
* one for you;
* one for Mrs. Legg;
* the last one for the baby.
This way, he/she will start to have – from early infancy – multiple streams of income, building wealth online. You’ll help, of course.
Aaa… Mrs. Legg, will he?
Now, back to the point. This will surely help me to achieve the necessary take-off for my business. When that will be done, I wish to pay you a visit (if you’ll allow me), to see the baby in action… Fun!
This is my dream.
Quite a lot of fun, I should say, as my own boy is close to his 18th anniversary and I closely remember those days, when I stayed in the bed and took him – so tiny – pressing him close to my chest and made him sleep by that regular “thump, thump, thump” of my loving heart. Those happy days… My wife was profiting this by taking a short and blessed nap on another room.
Aaah, btw, we didn’t have disposable diapers those days, we were using cotton ones…
Needed to be regularly washed, you know… Pretty messy!
Okay, enough with this.
I really wish you to enjoy the fatherhood and keep in mind another saying we have around here, about raising babies:
“Small ones, small problems. Big ones, BIG problems!”
Bless you! All…
Steve Lorenzo
Hi Richard
Thanks for the invitation to write to win a free copy of your course. I will make it a double challenge. Finally I am making the changes that have converted CTR scores from one-digit percentages into two-digit percentages. Logically, this has already DRAMATICALLY increased income.
Also, in the field of Affiliate Marketing I am highly inspired by Stephen Pierce. If you think YOU can match that level of quality I will scratch your back by giving you a free review (with links) to your sales page.
So, if your material is good I’m interested. If not, let someone else win.
Double-challenge….. Will you be challenged?
Hi Richard,
Congrats on the upcoming “Poop Fest”…
I am very lucky to be part of the “Poop-tivities’ myself.. We just had our sixth child on July 29…
4 girls and 2 boys!
When my business takes off, I want to to spend as much time as possible with my family. I want to take them to places that I have not been able to visit in my childhood.
I have a plan to set up a website for each of my children to start building college funds for them. Each site will be in a tight niche and all the funds will go directly into the account of each child..
So you see, I will need six times the traffic for each of these sites. This would be the perfect opportunity to see if your product can really deliver.
If I am chosen to be a winner of the free course, I would be willing to give you case studies of each of the sites. This would be a great opportunity for you and can hopefully be a great opportunity for you too!
So crazy, creative or whatever, I think this is a great plan and you should seriously consider me as a winner…
Thanks and have a great day!
If you give me your new product, Richard, I will use it generate enough income to fulfill all my selfish desires.
My selfish desires happen to include family and those close to me…so think of this as fulfilling the selfish desires of my selfish group.
With the windfall of information you provide (and the riches I will accumulate as a result of your most generous generosity) and using it selfishly, I will be able to help drive gazillions of visitors to my sisters’ travel web site (www.sandysaystravel.com) so that she may generate a massive income and not rely on her teeny, tiny, disability income.
This means I will selfishly get to spend more time with her.
With my newfound cyber wealth, my gal and I will selfishly purchase a sailboat and traverse the gulf and caribbean while flaunting our hedonistic lifestyle. But since I’m a magician and variety artist, I will have to selfishly entertain kids and adults at every port just to selfishly satisfy my performers ego.
After all, it is ALWAYS about me and what I want. (the curse of a performer)
Then there’s that Alaska Cruise Mom always wanted to go on, college fund for my grand neices and godson, bill pay offs for the nephews etc.
Of course, the only reason I will involve anyone else is so they will be indebted to me for the rest of their life. Then, at my whim, they will be browbeaten into spending time with me.
And that, is just how SELFISH I am. And you, Richard, can help me accomplish my totally self-centered goals. gimme, gimme, gimme.
Oh yeah…good luck with that baby stuff.
Hi Richard,
(I sent you this story last night and keep watching to see it posted. Reading through what has appeared so far, I can see how you want to be careful what you include on your blog. It must be a thin line to walk to keep everything in good taste, without things deteriorating into a “poop fest”! 😉 Only to say, I hope at first glance my story didn’t get cut by the censors, or perhaps it didn’t reach you at all. Although it does include the word “sex”, this is really a family entertainment, mixed company, Suitable For Work type of joke. I know. I’ve been a writer for 36 years and have been telling stories much longer than that. This joke was originally told to me by AN OLDER WOMAN WHO WORKS AT MY DENTIST’S OFFICE. I’ve since told it to hundreds of people – at the bank, post office, etc – everyone laughs, no one has ever told me it is offensive, most people say it’s one of the funniest stories they ever heard.
Which is why I sent it to you and your wife. So you could enjoy it, too. And share it with your readers. And send me a free copy of Traffic Uncut. I also look forward to being a good affiliate for you. Thanks.)
All the best to you and your wife at this wonderful time of your lives.
Who better deserves a good laugh than the expecting couple?
You say: “The 3 stories that make my wife and I laugh the most will each win a free copy of the course.”
I’ve been following your emails and watching your videos, so if telling you my funniest story can get me a free copy of Traffic Uncut…then I hope the two (or 3) of you greatly enjoy the following…
The other day my uncle was celebrating his 80th birthday.
Just turned 80 years old.
Well, that’s quite an accomplishment, so myself and his friends were all buying him drinks.
I went up to him and said: “You know, Uncle, we DID buy you a gift. But it’s not here, it’s back at your house.”
“GIVE ME a LIFT… BACK to my HOUSE?” he shouted. (I forgot to mention he’s a little hard of hearing.)
“No.” I said. “A GIFT… a PRESENT! But it’s already at your place.”
So later that night, my elderly uncle was back home, opening his front door, when he remembered the gift.
He looked around his living room… nothing there!
Looked around the kitchen… nothing there either!
Opened the door to his bedroom… there’s this blond lying on his bed!
“So WHAT are YOU supposed to be?” shouted my uncle.
“Super Sex!” said she.
“WHAT?” said my uncle.
“SUP-ER SEXXX!” shouted the girl.
My uncle thought about it for a moment.
“I think I’ll try the soup,” he said.
Thanks for the open mike, Richard. I hope that’s laughter I hear over the net. And the sound of a free copy of Traffic Uncut being bundled up and sent to me. I’ll use part of the additional revenue to get my uncle a hearing aid… (and some Viagra).
All the best for the launch and the birth.
Edwin Copps
Hi Richard,
Congratulations to you and your wife on your new arrival. What a blessing. I have eight blessings of my own, which leads me to what I would do with a successful internet business. At least one of the first things I would do. Now don’t get me wrong, I love her just as she is, but this is something SHE wants. I would get my wife a new set of boobs. Sounds like fun to me. I could fondle all the to the bank.
The best to you and your family!
Congratulations on your new baby that’s
soon to be born, Richard!
We’ve got two children and I remember those
“diaper days” very well–especially when I
first put one on our son, all by myself,
UPSIDE DOWN, as my wife gleefully
informed me after she discovered what
I’d done!
I’ve been giving it alot of thought, and
once my online business takes off, here’s
some really fun things that I’m going
to do.
Once that happens, I’m going to get a big replica
of one my best business income checks and hide it
under the bed.
Then, after having arranged to use some of my Paid
Days Off at work, I’m going to unplug or turn off the
alarm clock during the night so that I “oversleep” and
not be able to make it to work on time.
When my wife wakes up and tries to wake me up, I’ll tell
her “I’m not going to work today…” And when she tells
me “What do you mean you’re not going to work? Are you
crazy?!” I’ll reach over and pull out that big check,
show it to her, and ask,”Does this answer your question?”
Then when she asks me where did the money come from,
I’ll remind her of all of the late nights that I’ve
been spending “working on my online business” that
she never thought would amount to much after plodding
away part-time for nearly seven years, and then tell
her, “it’s from that business you said I didn’t have.”
About that time, the dog will start barking and then
there’ll be a knock at the front door. I’ll go and
open it for the delivery person from the florist
who will bring in a vase filled with the finest
array of a dozen roses for my wife, who by this
time won’t know what to say or think…
Our two children will come running to see what the
commotion is all about and of course they’ll ask
why daddy’s not at work, and I’ll tell them I ordered
flowers for mommy and that daddy’s not going to
work today, but that we are all going on a family
vacation–I just need to know where everybody
wants to go first!
Next, I’ll go see my father-in-law and ask him
to show me some of the many antiques and old-timey
“junk” items that he collects and sells, and then
I’ll ask him how much would one of the most costly
items I know that he has to sell go for, and when
he answers, I’ll tell him, “Here you go!” as I hand
him the cash for it. When he asks me where did I
get that much money and then tells me I’d better
use it for something else, I’ll reply, “I made it
from that computer business that you never thought
would amount to much, and I want to help you out
by investing in your business, if that’s okay
with you.”
That night I’ll have a limousine pick us up at
our house (my wife has never been in one!), and
then we’ll go pick up my parents-in-law at their
house and my sister-in-law from where she works,
and go out for an all-out steak dinner at a very
nice expensive restaurant and tell them to
get whatever they want and enjoy themselves
because it’s all on me!
The next morning, we’ll all sleep in, and then
after breakfast, we’ll load up in the new
Lexus rental car that I previously had
delivered, and then we’ll drive to the bank
where my wife sends our house payments and
ask to speak with the president. After the
four of us are seated in his office and he
asks why we are there and if there is a
problem, our seven-year-old son will politely
answer, “There’s no problem sir. If it’s all
right with you, we would like to pay off our
house.” My wife, the keeper of the finances,
will then verify with him how much we still
owe, and then I will take that amount out
of my pocket and ask our little girl to take
it over to him.
After we leave the bank, we’ll use the carphone
and call up Dave Ramsey on his live radio
show, tell him why we’re calling and then on
his cue, right there in the bank parking lot,
we’ll all shout, “I’M DEBT FREE!” Then we’ll
jump into the Lexus, laughing ourselves silly
as we start our first-ever two-week long family
vacation, which will also include a totally
unexpected visit to my parents’ house, as they
have not been able to afford to visit us for
a few years now.
–and that’s just for starters!
Seeking YOUR Success,
Stephen Boutelle,
“The Premiere Info-Strategist”
Hi Richard,
Stopping the diaper usage issue is fairly simple…
Just convince the kid that he won’t get invited to many parties if he keeps that type of behavior up. 😉
Now, as to what I would do were I to win your contest and my business took off…
I think that I would move myself and my entire operation to Costa Rico.
Just thinking about the look on my wife’s face when (after about three months) she finally noticed that I was gone really cracks me up. She’d be like, “I know I told him to leave several times… But, I never thought the jerk would finally get the nerve to actually do it.”
…Meanwhile, amid the sounds of breaking waves and the cries of the sea gulls circling overhead, a middle aged man lounges in a hammock beneath two palm trees. The gentle island breeze that caresses his face also delivers the seductive scent of coconut tanning oil from the two “Barbie Dolls” sunbathing just a few yards away…
Ahhhh, dreams! That’s what I’m talking about.
Unfortunately that scenario will never take place, because I suck at traffic generation. But, thanks for giving me the opportunity to hope.
Enjoy the baby, Richard. My son, Patrick and his wife, are expecting their first next month.
Hi! Richard Legg Sr.,
Here comes Richard Legg Jr., in a month’s time and be prepared and ready for DiaperUnCut.com as your interested in selling TrafficUnCut.com to maximise quality traffic to the site , Your junior will start demanding you to buy atleast 13 to 14 diapers a day on an average to increase traffic of diapers in your home in a month’s time.
As we are eagerly expecting launch of TrafficUnCut .com and you will be waiting eagerly for the launch DiaperUnCut.com. So, be ready for the avalanche of diapers in your home. One more thing do You know Japanese sumo wrestlers run to Fujiyama vulcanoe if a new baby arrives in their home why? Because they store all diapers inside valcanoe as they cannot keep them in their house.
My advance wishes for little Richard Legg.
Warm regards,
P.S.:- I just written funnily about what I thought of the plight of sumo wrestlers if a new born arrives in their home. Nothing else.
Forget about disposable diapers, just get a couple more washing machines and 2 or 3 more clotheslines and you Richard can wash the real diapers while thinking of new thoughts for your Blog. Nothing better on a baby’s butt than cloth diapers. And what am I going to do when my online business takes off if it ever does? A buddy and me are going to open up our own car lot and sell nothing but 4 cylinder autos. Hey with the price of gas these days, we’ll outsell the competition, because there won’t be any.
If this 82 year old lady had had the funds and the know-how to have a website I wouldn’t still be trying to find a way.
I know I won’t be a winner but IF I really was, I would probably rent a hotel with an extra large ballroom and have ALL my kids come for a reunion. I only gave birth to five, who in turn blessed me with eight, who then added ten.BUT,
if I include the “adopteds” that runs into about a thousand soooo–. As to something crazy: How about me doing a fan dance for them? After they have all arrived, of course.
Anyhoo, I look upon my family as dividens earned for having to raise the original five all by myself. Enjoys your little one to the fullest even when there come times you want to become a hermit.
Hi Richard, congratulations on the imminent arrival of
a new Legg in your family!
I’m hoping and praying that you choose me as one of the
recipients of your kind gift of Traffic Uncut so I can drive
traffic to my website–now under construction–to support
tflocssfacaosm.com, short for:
The First Lady Of Constant Sorrows Shelter For Abandoned
Chihuahuas and Orphaned Sea Monkeys.com, a very needy
charity dear to my heart since I run it myself, with the help
of my aunt, out of my one bedroom apartment over the garage
of my Uncle’s house.
At last, I might be able to provide a decent home for the
37 abandoned Chihuahuas I have rescued, and the 344 orphaned
Sea Monkeys–oops make that 343, looks like Anna Montana, who
was going to sing in order to raise money for the cause, just died
from Lord knows what–that we are currently providing for.
(Not to mention the family of seven Sasquatch which have taken
up residence under the porch leading up to my apartment on the
second floor!)
In return for your generosity, I would create, and then drive
a tsunami of traffic to, RichardLeggIsTheCoolestDudeOnEarth.com.
As you might guess, I will have the sea monkeys compose and then
sing, in their hauntingly beautiful and addictive voices, creative
versions of hit songs containing powerful, absolutely irresistible
subliminal messages commanding the listeners to do the following,
every time they think of, or hear the word “Leg:”
(1) Feel an irresistible compulsion to subscribe to your list, if
not already on it, and buy seven copies of every product you sell,
one for themselves, and six for their family, friends, neighbors,
or coworkers; and
(2) Buy and then send you a six-pack of disposable diapers. Of course,
once you have 5000 nappies to cover your little Legg’s tush until he
learns the art of bowel control, hopefully sooner than later, I can either
remove that set of subliminal messages, or let them run on, allowing
you to create an eBay diaper empire to fund the college education of
your newest Legg.
Thanks for considering me as a candidate for Traffic Uncut and whether
you choose me (and all of my adorable critters–not counting the
Sasquatch who are not adorable since they refuse to bathe!) or not,
I hope your baby arrives healthy, happy, prone to very tiny and
pleasantly smelling bowel movements, and with a complete set
of perfectly working and perfectly formed factory equipment!!
All the best to you and yours,
For the last 10 years or so, I’ve always had it in the back of my mind to work for myself, but the time never seemed right. One of my ways to ensure that I would always keep this goal fresh was to tackle whatever job I got, and to do the hardest task I could find in that job. Also, I made it a point whenever I suffered from a layoff or plant closing to find the most unusual job that I could and pursue it until it was mine. Over the years I’ve been a janitor in a Mental Institution (and seen some really unbelievable things). I’ve loaded freight cars, for a on time sequencing operation, where every task of your day was timed down to the minute. I’ve worked for a division of the Catholic Church, where I had to dig graves for the Brothers that lived on-site, after they went on to the next realm
But hands down the most unusual was being a patient scheduler for a OB-GYN clinic. Just imagine being the only male working around hundreds of pregnant women in a High Risk OB care facility. If it wasn’t for patient confidentiality I could let go of some real zingers.
Even if I don’t get a copy of your course, at least I can understand the happiness that you and your wife have in store for yourselves.
Good Luck
I can certainly empathize with you in regards to all the “nappies” coming up. As a mother of 5 and now raising my newborn grandson and 2 year old granddaughter, I literally feel like a diaper factory! I am sure I have had a toddler in my midst for the last 20 years. They are all spread out. My youngest is only 7 and now the grandchildren, whew. Talk about crazy:) I don’t know how I survive every day. I envision myself in a Calgon commercial any-day “Calgon, take me away” remember those.
I have a desire to learn as much as I can about website creation and marketing so I can help others get thru the learning curve a little easier. I would focus on single parents as I want to help ease the financial burdens and allow more quality time with the children. I believe there is a truly remarkable person with unlimited abilities in each one of us. I have learned you can not judge a person by their appearance, but try to get to know the real person within. What their dreams are and what motivates them.
I wish you lots of success!
Linda Curtis
Dear Sir i am very glad to here this news from you and i am very glad if my dreams will true ones hopefully so how should i now and how should i get those you are the only one how can tell me about so maybe the gad help to contact you and maybe one day i will have the money in my pocket what to do i am living with this dream how knows maybe i get but after i will get those money i would like to see you and to tell you how ones i am and i will returned to you all the money which you have spend for me
yours merita i hope this is going to be the last mail from me in regard this isue i wish all the best
Hi Richard,
Just a little poem for you and your wife
4 weeks to go, how exciting!
Cleaning after him sounds so inviting…
Sleep is optional, a warning in advance
Show empathy for your child
imagine pooping Your pants!
I wouldn’t like it, not one bit
having to put up with all that S###
It is, however, not all bad
especially when you become mum & dad
Watch how quickly they grow (You will be stunned)
Now let’s roll out this Legg diaper fund!
To the topic of traffic, you know we need it
Lifeblood of the business and have to “feed” it
I was thinking about a site, maybe a blog
Share stories about your boss
working you like a dog
Vent out frustration or aknowledge some good
bosses who treat you the way they should
Allow contributions of your story true
from people who have J.O.B.s
Like me and you!
So much for a little poem! lol
All the best
Sydney Australia
Hi Rich!
No matter what they say, you will think you’ve gone through 5000 diapers by the time potty training sticks! I’m a 57-year-old grandpa of six, so I have some practical training with all the stages from infants to surly teenagers! I’m sure, with nieces and nephews, you’ve seen a few of these.
Be that as it may, you probably don’t get to observe these strange critters on a day-to-day basis that often.
As a new daddy (BTW, congratulations!), you will learn new skills to insure your peace of mind and family survival in due time. The sleep deprivation thing has probably already entered your life, but there are several other adaptations of which you should be aware!
Here are some practical tips for Daddy’s mental health…
* since they can’t move much right now and they don’t weigh much, don’t be lulled into a false sense of capability
*when they CAN escape the confines of their crib/enclosure, don’t walk around the house with your head up. If you’ve ever had a Yorkie, guinea pig or pet mouse, you’ll know what I mean
*prepare for the razzing you’ll get from co-workers when you suddenly start speaking in a different language. Babies do NOT understand plain English until they get to be around 1-and-a-half.
*no matter how tough you think your feet are, do NOT go barefoot, especially in the middle of the night. This will have practical implications more than you know! Oh, and little ones think it’s just hilarious to hear Daddy howl with pain or jump around on one foot!
*NEVER, but NEVER try the strained carrots or squash or feed them to baby unless you’re clad in something you’d wear in the first three rows of a Gallagher show.
*buy approximately twice as many garbage bags as you used to. You WILL need them!
*consider making a trip to Home Depot to shop waterproof paint for the entire house/apartment. It will save you scads of time and Formula 409.
*if you ever need a sideline after about 3 years, you could moonlight as a researcher at the CDC. You’ll learn a lot about diseases you never thought existed.
*don’t crow too much about having a high threshold of pain, especially when Baby is about 3 or 4, without being prepared to back it up. This is the time in Baby’s life when they develop target acquisition talents for Daddy’s sensitive areas!
*ALWAYS, no matter what, love them, even when they tell you they hate your guts. Because, when you do and they know it, it means whatever you’ve been doing up to that point is working.
Again, congratulations and always have fun with ’em. If Daddy is fun, kids will learn more and be easier to teach. Take care.
Ron Withrow
Palm Bay, FL
Hi Richard & glowing pregnant lady,
(Sorry do not know your lady-wife’s name, Richard, but I am sure that she is in full bloom at the moment!)
What would I do once my business took off?
I am a 63 year od widow, who has spent the last 15 years gradually recovering from Fybromyalgia, (and thanking her lucky stars that it has been gradually improving). So life for quite some time now has been rather staid and quiet.
I WANT TO KICK OVER THE TRACES!! Let my hair down, be frivoulous
for a change.
Mind you, I do intend to build a good solid business, to make both my, and several of my family and friend’s futures, secure. I also plan to help several charities, and help others to be able to help themselves. All of that will need a good business to fund it.
But that will not exclude my having fun on the way.
There is life in this “old girl” yet!!!!!!!
Congratulations, i’d have to say when my online business was up and running it would be my dream to be able to spend more time watching and enjoying the kids grow up, rather than getting home from work and kissing them good night. you can miss so much, as they grow up so fast, so cherish every day….
Carl French
as a father of 3 sons and grandpa of 10 more boys, a funny story
reminds me of the humor that can come from a young boys brain,and never really thought about being really funny on his part.
One day my youngest son came in the house and ask if he could use
my shotgun, I ask why and he said, he was going to shoot that brown
dog. I ask why? the boy says , he did something in the yard and I stepped
in it, and I ask how he knew it was that brown dog. His answer was
“I saw him Laugh” Some fun times are ahead , hope you enjoy.
Best wishes, Paul clay, Texas
Hello Richard
Congrats to you and wife, I have 4 of my own they are all grown up now and I still enjoy them. I know you are looking forward to your new born, it is an excitement like no other.
Best wishes
Keith Howell
I live in the Islands.
Turks and Caicos Islands
# Rich Says:
PS note added below.
August 6th, 2008 at 5:28 pm
When you talk of a newborn and all those diapers it bring back memories of the year that my triplets were born. We uses to have diapers delivered by the case of I believe was 288 per box. The formula was the same thing. We got it 2-3 cases at a time. Our kitchen was like a milk factory. We prepared 24-36 baby bottled every night. We had to keep a log of feeding and changes so that we did not feed the same baby twice. I remember when we first started to bring the babies home. The hospital would only allow them to be taken home when they reached 5lbs. Each week as one would reach 5lbs we would take that one home. We had a daughter that was 2yrs at the time and she would wait in the driveway and greet the new baby when we got out of the car. After we got them all home we got a call from the hospital that they were not sure they had check all the babies completely and ask us the bring back one of the babies which we did. My older daughters did not see her mother take one baby out of the house so when my wife returned my daughter knowing who had already had all the babies home said, ‘mommy not another one’. MY kids have never forgotten that story. It will probably be repeated for many years to come.
The best of luck with your soon to be born baby.
Thanks Rich & Mary (and 4 daughters.)
PS I am currently 69 yrs old and still love doing business on internet.
I am the parent of three children from Dominican Republic. I know how difficult is to afford when we talk about diapers for three children. I say to my three children the dad`s ladder since they have 5,6 and 7 years old(by the way the two youngest use diapers yet) . Living Here it is very difficult due to inflation and the high cost of living, but I am optimist about the future. If my Online Business take off, one of my dreams is to be able to provide everything needed for food and education. I am confident that with my effort and your cooperation I will achieve it.
congratulations richard&wife, seeing your baby for the first time gives
you a feeling that can`t be described, i`m very happy for you two.
when my first was born i sat by the crib and just looked at her for hrs.
with my second my wife told me we better go to the hospital, it was
2:30 am, i drove as fast as i could and he was born four moments
after we got there, thats cutting it two close. i ended up with nine and
it was fun, but i`m glad they are aLL grown. thank you for all your
help with the internet, warm regards, charles d hart
Hi its me Heather M. Years ago when I was younger, I adopted a little boy. Afew years later I was visiting my sister and we were driving around town. My sister and I were in the front, my son who was eith 2 or 3 then was in the back seat. He had a small tractor that he was playing with. Suddenly he shouts “Slow down Aunty Esme, I have to fix my tractor!” Well my sister and I started laughing as we never expected that to come from a small child, we wern’t even going that fast. Just the speed limit. I am trying to get something working so I can also later help my sister get something going as shes not able to work and I quite my job about a month ago as I was having trouble with the boss and I had, had enough. Congrates on the new baby, I have also two other sons and they are now all grown but i will always love them dearly and forever.The boy I adopted died a few years ago and I still miss him terrabley, and think about him all the time. The best thing about being a parent is the joy the child brings into the home. Well I better end this. Congratulations again. thanks Heather
Hi Richard
Congratulations and great luck on your diaper fund.
Remember all of your funniest poop adventures so you can totally embarace your son with his girlfriends he brings home to meet mom and dad. Our favorite one is with our second son. He was nearly 2 when we took him out on the lake for his first fishing trip. Well wouldn’t you know as soon as we were far enough from shore he decided to fill his diaper with the most horrific stench, we tried to clean him up as best we could but with our eyes watering from this awful smell we just couldn’t get him real clean; so his dad decided that a couple of dunks in the lake would help – which he did. But when we tell the story we always add that we took lots of fish home that day because he gassed them to death and they all floated to the top.
I would love to win a free copy of your trafficuncut. It would be great to finally be able to afford getting my and my husbands noses repaired from being burned out by our bundle of joy.
Best of times to you and your family
Hi Richard,
Firstly, Congratulations – you are about to embark on one of the most exciting, terrifying, joyful,scary,emotional times of your life – things really will never be the same again!!
When my business is up and running, which wont be a minute to soon, as i have started 4 “traditional” businesses which have all failed
I will finally be able to give my family the life we have been looking for, I moved from Scotland to Spain, for 2 years, then in December 07 moved again to Orlando Florida, Im always looking for an opportunity and I must admit Ive spent a load on these failed businesses and some other online products, so you are going to HAVE to let me win as my wife promised me if i even think about buying anything business related , she’s off!……how much is it anyway?!!!. I have been a member of yours for over a year now, I think you were just about to graduate, And I must admit, you certainly come across as one of the more genuine online “gurus” yours is now the only emails I now bother to open of all the online lists ive ever joined, you definately seem to be totally genuine about helping other people get their foot in the door of the internet marketing world. (Butt lickin over, have i done enough yet?)
All the best,
Graeme……..and Gwen
Today’s the 8th and you’ve said you’re going to announce the winners tomorrow, so my entry may be too late for consideration. Nonetheless, I’m going to share with you exactly what I’d do if my internet marketing business were to explode into a truly consistent success:
1.) I’d negotiate and hire for an annual, pre-paid sum, Dr. Jackie Alan Giuliano, Ph.D., President, Speed Learning 100, Inc. out of Seattle, Washington, to come to Manhattan (NYC) once a month to teach his two-day seminar (See his site: http://www.speedlearning100.org ). His value proposition: “Ask me How-to create your 20 minute hour
(for Acing your exams, and winning promotions in your career).”
2.) Then I’d use the internet and Press Releases to offer the class (normally $700) for FREE to the 1st people who register for one of the 100 seats I’d make available each month.
3.) Of the 100 seats, 20 would be reserved for those who can prove they are getting Unemployment Checks (because they’ve been laid off recently) and another 20 for those who’ve exhausted Unemployment and who had to apply for Social Services help. The rest of the seats would go 1st come, 1st served.
4.) Additionally, those who successfully complete the above course would be invited to attend a second free course — again, completely sponsored by me, but this would be a specialty class on taking notes at shorthand speeds. This is a four-hour course that will transform any student, reporter, researcher, etc’s note-taking ability.
Pricey proposition, the above, I grant you, but talk about SATISFACTION. Oh boy, I’d be THRILLED and constantly on Cloud 99! were I in the position to give such a gift to the people of New York City (or anyone else who could get here to participate)! What a blast we’d have!
I’d use my good fortune to make sure others learn how to fish in some VERY important areas of life.
That’s my dream. That’s what I’d do. Hope you have a chance to read this.
Congrats on the upcoming birth! I’m sure I don’t have to tell you: take LOTS of pictures. Babies change SO VERY Fast! It’s astonishing how fast when you think of it.
Kudos to you.
Dear Richard and Wife,
Congraulations on the coming addition to the family. I know you’re excited and at eight months, your wife is probably getting impatient to present the baby to the world. I know I was. I always said that it worked about right. As you get bigger and more miserable, you’re glad to go through the delivery so you just keep a stiff upper lip.
I didn’t realize it took that many diapers until I got out my calculator. That sounds about right. I didn’t have disposable ones. They were soaked in a diaper pail and washed and dried in the washer and drier and used over and over. That was more economical and better for the enviroment. My kids were pretty well potty trained by the time they were two so it doesn’t go on forever–thank goodness.
I plan to do all kinds of fun, generous and crazy things when I strike it rich, which I hope to do soon. I especially work at all types of traffic and appreciate all the information I can get.
I was invited to a Chuckie Cheese’s for a one year old’s birthday party a few years ago and really got a kick out of it. I believe I’ll invite a bunch and go there for my birthday next year–@73. It brings out the kid in a person and gives yourself an opportunity to ham it up, dance, sing, play games, etc. I also want to go back in time to when I was in my late teens and early 20’s and go to California and redo some of the fun things I was doig at that time at the beach, the gambling cassinos, Palm Springs, etc.
Aside from frivolity and living it up, I want to give lots of money to needy people and organizations. I enjoy doing that now, have always enjoyed it and the more I make, the more I’ll give. It’s what thrills me most. I really would rather give than to receive. It makes me feel really good. Therefore, I keep persisting in my business and won’t say “no” to not making it big. I am a money magnet and think in terms of abundance.
Love and best wishes to you, your wife and new bsby and thanks for the great information download–Nancy
Once my internet business takes off, I’m hoping that I take off with it!
A word to the wise, don’t get left behind, you might miss something.
It’s kinda like a woman having a baby. The baby is the size of a peanut at first, then the baby grows into the size of a pumpkin, now imagine having two of these buggers!
I’m sorry, but this is what happens a lot, when businesses take off.
You grow and then if your kind, you help someone else grow minus the peanuts.
Good cheer to you and yours, Johnny Mitchell.
I will use part of the money to help the frogs and turtles from extinction and part to teach Spanish speaking people throughout Latin American how to learn to make business on line for free. With the rest I´d go ride a camel in the Sahara sand and an elephant in India to see how it feels. I am still a kid inside, smile.
Hope it´s a great paaaaaaarty tomorrow.
Well I don’t know if this will strike your lovely preggies wife but you surely can have a look here Babe Pampers or the full url http://users.telenet.be/leukelinks/flash/queen.htm take a look my friend I surely believe that your mamma (wife) will love it.
Congratulations to you and your wife!
You are asking what we would do if our websites finally started to take off. Well I wouldn’t take off my clothes. Not sure about taking off in a plane but then again my dream would require it so I guess I would need to stock up on the knock out drops. I am more afraid of heights that Mr. T.
I am 52 years in the school of hard knocks and a little more than a year and a half into my associates degree for accounting with the University of Phoenix. I would love to actually attend graduation in Phoenix as I never went on a vacation in my life. Never had a honeymoon and now divorced and engaged to marry May 2, 2009.
Looking back at my life I have always done things the hard way or worse backwards. Example: Attending college now but 14 years ago I closed my own tax and accounting business that I had for seven years.
I make all types of hand crafted items and dreamed of my own craft school to teach the old arts that are being forgotten. I also am totally interested in foreign monetary systems and business. I know first hand that the time invested in making crafts are seldom seen as worthwhile when the items sell. Many beautiful works go unseen by the world because the time only allows them to be given as gifts to family and friends.
I am self taught in spanish and learning another 10 languages. I plan to put all of this together in the strangest monetary retirement investment that manages to shock even me. Most of it is already in notebooks as plans. I know now you are wondering what the idea really is!?!
I wish to marry and then retire my new husband and the two of us to travel bartering the handcrafts of American artisans for handcrafts of other artisans around the world. I would like to build a web museum to the hand crafted arts with demonstrations and samples that can be seen by the world. I do not have plans to buy all the items but I would pay for the right to photograph items, techniques or video tapes and directions in audio voice overs.
I seem to shine best when helping the underdog which is why my sites are becoming something more than what I had actually planned. The accounting course is to fulfill a dream but also to allow me to know what is really happening in my businesses and to protect the interests of others. I still help friends and family with doing their taxes and have never had one person that I have helped be called for an audit.
I also know that international finance and big business is complicated. I know there are few that can not only work with big corporate mergers but to be able to understand them without a translator as a corporate account executive in multiple languages will prove useful. It also would take me to the countries as a tourist and consultant while giving me the chance to see the handcrafts of the region I would be touring.
As you can see they are large dreams for an old fool, but the common person really needs to have someone help to level the playing field to make it a possibility for everyone. Computers are in more than half the homes in America and the percentage is growing around the world. Isn’t time that the webmasters become the common person at the same rate as the spread of the computer age? Why does it have to be only the few? What inventions and capabilities are being lost because the common person feels outweighted in the right to dream?
If my websites start to really take off, I want to allow the laborers that helped build this country and the single moms and the others that dream without saying anything know that they have one person who understands and will help them to stand and be counted.
I am not sure if this is what you really meant but it is what I dream. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have started to learn multiple languages, gone back to college or researched to learn to build my websites.
Blessings to you, your wife and to the new addition,
Mary (makingmagic)
This is not a sob story, it is true though, I bought a computer 10 years ago, because I wanted to make some money to get off the pension.Guess what? I am still on the pension, and I may not have that many years left, but surely persistence, is a value worth having , and I refuse to fail, I am now 81 , and if they find my skeleton, sitting here at the keyboard , wow what a way to go, !
Richard thanks to you and your wife for this wonderful opportunity. I shall use the gift to grow my business. I love helping people and your “Traffic Uncut” course would help me to do that by increasing traffic to my sites like a bunch of rabbits and to deliver my information to a multitude of folks.
I want to increase my traffic like rabbits increase their population! I want to be pregnant with traffic like a flood and then watch the water break open the bank.
I love helping people. I help protect consumers from bad advice. I have experience in helping people protect everything they own and helping them to pre-plan protection for their success so they don’t run into trouble down the trail.
I also help entrepreneurs and business owners raise money for their businesses. This is accomplished without having to bounce into technicalities, jump through red tape, run down bureaucratic rabbit trails or lose any part of their businesses to jumpy venture capitalist, bounding angle investors or slithery lawyers during the process.
I can increase business owners’ net profits by 25% to 50% within 120 days without them having to invest any more money in advertising than they currently spend. I guarantee this will happen or I keep working, bouncing and jumping for free until that goal is reached. I can reproduce this with any business.
My wife started a charity and runs a camp to help underprivileged children learn techniques that will help them learn more effectively and faster. With the techniques she teaches, her little bunnies’ retentions are increased dramatically.
This embryogenesis of a child’s mind and the development that follows as the child matures and develops into a successful learner is an incredible process to watch. Many of the children advance several grade levels in many subjects when they return to school. Their chances of being successful are exponentially multiplied.
The amazing thing is the teachers my wife has trained can reproduce the same growth in any child that has a dysfunctional family environment or so-called learning disabilities. The children that thought they were stupid truly excel when they realize that they are not stupid. The fact is they just learn in a different and unique way.
Currently she is at her summer camp in the mountains of North Carolina working with the children while I recuperate at home. I would love to have enough money so I could help her finance this growing embryonic baby of hers. More rabbit traffic would make this possible. Multiplication of traffic would buy an abundance of milk and bottles of water. This would light up the students’ sunny, smiling and shining faces.
Her biggest problem is keeping kids at the camp. It is not that the children are afflicted with home sickness and jumping to leave but the parents of the children have a problem with child sickness. The parents miss their babies so much they try to visit their little bunnies much too often. For some reason the number of parents doing this has exponentially increased this year.
One child said, “I wish my parents would stay home so I could learn better. I have so much fun here; I wish I could live here and visit my parents!” There is not much home sickness there but a child missing virus, (The Rabbit Virus), has jumped on the parents and is running amuck!
My business may not be that loving but it is effective. I want to grow larger without extends so more people can use their ears and eyes to hear and read my message. My information can truly change lives and protect everything people have accumulated running and jumping during a lifetime of hard work.
A rabbit returning from her trimester examination realized she was late and began to run. The rabbit was running and a snake was slithering at full speed in an open field. They ran head-on into each other. Surprised, the rabbit said to the snake, “What are you? Can’t you see me?” The snake replied,” Yes, Can you see me?” The rabbit answered, “Of course.”
The rabbit then asked the snake to describe what she looked like as the rabbit had never seen herself. The snake said, “Well, you have veery looong ears. You have a fluffy white ball of fur for a tail and strong long rear feet. You have whiskers and a nose that twitches constantly. You are a rabbit!”
Then the snake slyly said “Please, return the courtesy and describe me. The rabbit hopped all around the snake smelling the snake with her twitching nose and using her big pink eyes to study this strange, slithery creature. Then she said, “You have no foundation and are very low to the ground with no feet or legs to stand on. You wiggle and slyly slither your way through this world. You have hard scales instead of soft, kind skin. You have a long body and a head with small beady eyes that keep shifting. You also have a forked tongue. You are either a doctor or a lawyer and I am out of here!”
Then the rabbit zoomed over the hill. As she was speeding away, she thought to herself, “Thank God there is no traffic today! I have to get home to my babies, my husband is working online and I am about to run out of diapers!”
Well ….
As I told you in the private post, I’ve had the luxury cars, sports cars and big fancy houses. I’ve raised the horses I always wanted and ridden the motorcycles my parents would never let me have. I traveled around the world before my high school classmates had their kids through school. I’ve been very blessed.
Except for the woman that hijacked all my hard earned fortune .. left and filed for divorce. Then again, the son we had WAS really a blessing.
So you see .. life’s been pretty good at this point based on the hard work and expertise that I have thrown into everything I’ve done. I MADE my money in the past. Nothing was given.
HOWEVER, I still have one dream that I have not accomplished nor do I have the money for at this point. One of my greatest loves is Scuba Diving. So much so that I became a Professional. Up until I was married, I spent most weekends teaching new divers and enjoying every minute of it. Alas, the new wife put her foot down and raised all kinds of hell when I attempted to take off for a weekend of teaching. So … I haven’t taught since. Since the money was gone before the divorce was even started, I really haven’t had the opportunity to realize my one last dream.
That is … to buy two things. A nice Dive Boat and a Resort that caters to divers. I “was” in the final stages of purchasing the first resort in Belize some years back .. but Mr. Murphy showed up. ( Go to Belize now … and to think I would have had the FIRST one there.)
Now I would like to buy or build a nice little resort that would cater to divers AND internet marketers. It would have a conference hall fully equipped with the latest audio and video equipment. Underground cabling to allow full capture of any events held on the beach. A T1 connection in every room. (If you’ve ever used one … you understand.)
There would be a full daycare facility to afford IM parents, like yourselve’s, the luxury of having someone else feed and change those diapers. Hey, I’d probably even throw in free diapers with the resort logo on them. ~smile~
But most of all … for the IM’ers that also love to dive. Well, let’s just say it would be a paradise. Naturally, there would always be a “resort course” available for those not certified so that they could also experience the underwater world. It’s an unbelievable thing of beauty … out on the ocean floor. Another world that only makes me believe in God even more.
Not to boast, but I’m already living a dream many would like to accomplish. I retired from the working world and focus entirely on my teenage son and the internet.
Oh No .. I just had one of those thoughts that jar you back to reality. I just happened to realize my son is going to want all those things young gentlemen want. You know … new car, the latest electronics … etcetera. Well, guess I’ll have to put the dream back on hold until the internet blesses me with a lot more income. (He just told me he wants a Mustang when he gets his license next year … arrggg)
Such is life …
God Bless the wee one’s future.
Just submitted a post but it didn’t show up as awaiting moderation. Please don’t tell me I’ll have to go through that again!! I doubt I could remember all that I said.
If it doesn’t show .. guess I join the others that have said their’s disappeared also.
Hey Richard,
Congratulations to you and your wife for your baby boy. I am 50 years old and my husband and I decided to become foster parents 5 years ago. The first two children that we received were two boys, one was 15 months old and the second one was only 2 days old. They happened to come up for adoption 2 years ago and we adopted them. We love them as if they were born to us. So enjoy your new little bundle of fun. You will need quite a few diapers, but it is worth it. When we first got the two boys, they were both in diapers, so it became quite expensive but it was definitely worth it.
I have always wanted to travel to Hawaii, Australia and Switzerland, so if my online business were to succeed that is what my family would do. Plus I have always wanted to build a three story log cabin out in the country, so I would probably make that dream a reality. Plus I would spoil my two boys, since they can’t be around their biological parents, because they are still using drugs big time and would give them everything that they would need to live a happy, fulfilled life.
Thanks so much, Richard, for giving everyone a chance at receiving this awesome traffic course for free. You are truly a generous guy.
Have fun with your new little guy.
Love ya,
Diana Crowe
Hi Richard. First of all, Congratulations to you and your wife on your upcoming arrival!!!
Well, here is my story: I fell head over heels in love with a man in Italy. He is like a beautiful, shiny apple with a worm inside. That worm is his obsession for money. This man is very narcissistic and needs to feel superior to others. Money is like fuel to him; it gives him a sense of power.
Well, being a fool in love, I tried anything to “win” his love. I bought him a fake Rolex, showed him a bank account that I made up on the computer with $400,000.00 in it, told him I had a yacht, etc.
At first, when this man believed that I was loaded, he was very kind and loving towards me. Then, as time passed, he began tormenting me to prove to him that I was rich. He wanted me to transfer a large sum of money into his bank account so he could be sure that I indeed had it.
I couldn’t prove my wealth to him because it didn’t exist. Finally, I broke down and admitted that I didn’t have even a quarter of the riches that I spoke of. Well, this confession allowed me to see how he truly felt about me. Soon after, he began to disrespect me, and became very verbally abusive. I was extremely hurt and angry, but I decided it was better to have learned the truth about his feelings. Our “relationship” ended soon after.
If I win your copy of the course, I will become rich, build a million dollar home right next to his in Italy, and tell him to shove it because I was rich all along and only “confessed” to having No money just to see if his behavior would change towards me. I know, it sounds a little crazy, but I would love to have him eat his heart out, he totally deserves it, and it would be the perfect revenge.
In fact, one of the last things that he said to me was that nobody with a degree would be “playing” on the computer to make money (he is also very ignorant). I want to throw my online business into his face and make him eat those words!
Thank you for creating this fun contest, and God Bless.
Hello Richard.
Congratulations to you all.
About diapers feed the baby with just milk-powder, so you can clean the diaper with the vacuum-cleaner
Enjoy the upcoming time, every single minute, none of them will come again.
Best wishes from Switzerland.
OK Richard here’s the deal.
Before I forget though, Congrats and good health
to you and your wife and your first born to be.
Now, I don’t want to hear any more about a ‘Nappy Fund’
(I’m from the old Country) OK ‘Diaper Fund’
because according to my research you don’t need any nappies!
So, you don’t need to make a ton of money to feed the fund.
So, this means apart from giving me a winning freebie of your, TrafficUncut, you can bring the price down for everyone else
real cheap ;o)
Here’s the scoop or, should I say poop.
You and your good lady just have to practise the fine art of Elimination Communication (EC) with your baby which is a process by which a caregiver uses timing, signals, cues, and intuition to address an infant’s excretive needs, partially or completely avoiding the use of diapers. Diapers can be used but usually tend to become extraneous and unnecessary after a point. The emphasis of EC is placed on communication. When one practices EC, they are in essence trying to communicate as much as possible with their child about the elimination process, helping the child to become aware of their own body. The term “elimination communication” was inspired by traditional practices of diaper-less baby care.
This is serious stuff Richard, you can go and look it up on Wikipedia.
Now, this could be real tricky so, I have already done some Leggwork ;o)
for you so please follow carefully and be prepared:
Timing refers to identifying the infant’s natural timing of elimination. Newborns tend to urinate every 10-20 minutes, sometimes very regularly, which makes timing extremely useful. Older babies may still be very regular, or may vary in timing based on when they have last eaten or slept. As infants get older, the time between eliminations will increase. By six months, it is not uncommon for babies to go as much as an hour without urinating while awake (babies, like adults, rarely urinate during a deep sleep). Timing varies radically for defecation, as some infants may have several bowel movements a day, while others may only have one every few days.
OK Guys, with me so far? Next:
Signals are the baby’s way of informing a caregiver of an elimination need. Some babies signal very clearly from the beginning, while others may have very subtle signals, or no signal at all. These signals vary widely from one infant to another, and include a certain facial expression, a particular cry, squirming, a sudden unexplained fussiness, as well as others. Babies who are nursing will often start delatching and relatching repeatedly when they need to eliminate. For defecation, many babies will grunt or pass gas as a signal. Older babies can learn a gesture or baby sign for “potty.”
You guys having fun yet? :o)
Cueing consists of the caregiver making a particular sound or other cue when the baby is in an appropriate place to urinate or defecate, in order to develop two-way communication. At first, the caregiver can make the cueing sound when the baby is eliminating, to develop an association. Once the association is established, the cue can be used to indicate to the baby that he or she is in an appropriate potty place. This is especially useful for infants who may not recognize public toilets or unfamiliar receptacles as a “potty.” Common sound cues include “psss psss” for urination, and “hmm hmm” (grunting) for defecation. Older babies (late starters) may respond better to more word-like cues. Cues do not have
to be auditory.
Hope you guys are paying attention here ;o)
BTW Richard, the term Elimination Communication and natural infant hygiene were coined by Ingrid Bauer and are used interchangeably in her book, Diaper Free! The Gentle Wisdom of Natural Infant Hygiene (2001) Perhaps you guys should buy it.
Good luck guys!
Lastly, log all your EC activities and let me know how it all works out and just keep smiling, gritting your teeth and keep thinking of all the money you will save on diapers. I know that you already excel in good communications so I am sure this ‘Elimination Communication’ gig will work like a dream for you both.
When I finally get rich on-line from using among other things your free copy of TrafficUncut, I want to have first refusal on the publishing rights
for the E-Book on Mr and Mrs Legg’s story on “How to save 5,000 diapers
in your first baby year and still come out smiling”.
Hi All!
Just checking in to see if I could make your wife laugh:)
Hope I am not too late for a chance at it!!! I am a care
giver to my 86 year old mom and I’d been playing “Driving
Miss Daisy (Mariam)” for the last couple days so am just
sitting down….
At first because I am sitting here watching the Olympic
Games in China as I relax. I thought I’d tell you about
my new found desire to go to Beijing, China and going
the USA Saber Fencing team and gain a Gold metal!
Not because I am a violent person but because I think
it is the best chance at getting a Metal! (I learned that
lesson from the Opening Games Ceremony when they
mentioned that China participants picked the 199 events
to train in by what they thought others were weak in and
they could train in…as opposed to most everybody I
know pick sports by what they are good at and enjoy:)
So if I learn that quickly as I have tonight I hope you
could me worthy for a free program:)))) I will put my
efforts to learning as I would gaining a metal in the
Olympic Games!
By the way, congrats on the forth coming birth of
your child! Enjoy before he or she starts to walk
and talk back as in No!
Remind me some day to tell you a few funny stories
from the mouths of kindergarteners on the School
Bus I drive during the school year (which is my job
so I can care for my mom in between routes). One
item I noticed is those kids walk like they are wading
in molasses when you want them to get off or on
the bus in a timely fashion…usually when I am in
a hurry! So one thing for you to look forward to
with your little one is you’ll be running according
to their schedule! Enjoy your time now!
Thanks for humble consideration,
Hey there Richard, Firstly congrats on your impending fatherhood. I am 68n years old and devorced (many years ago) My biggest heartfelt regret is that I never had any children of my own. I love kids (but I could never eat a whole one) kidding apart I wish you and your wife a long and fruitful parenthood and many more to be added to the Legg family in the future I am sure. Please don’t stop at just one, children miss out on a lot being an only child.
I am sure I will buy your other “New baby” your soon to be released “Traffic uncut” and I won’t wish you “good luck” cos I am sure you won’t need it RichardBUT I will wish myself good luck in breaking into internet maketing. With your products and my determination I will succeed, even this ate in life.
Sincere best wishes to you and your family. Tomas
“Ah……The joys of parenthood! The memories are so close, and yet sooo far away! Three grown sons, and six grandchildren later, I can still remember it like yesterday.”
“I’ve brought my first born home from the hospital. God, what a beautiful, happy little boy! And of course, he was the most precious in the world! ( You’ll soon learn that as a parent, you have the right to be ‘just a little’ biased.)
“As I said, he was a happy little guy. He never cried much ever, except when he was hungry, and then he would let me know in a BIG way. Man, did that kid have good lungs!”
“Poopy diapers, huh? Well, Richard it sounds like you may possibly have a little more experience than your wife with the nieces and nephews, and all. But, no matter, I am here to tell you, NOTHING prepares you for the very first nasty diaper.”
“To this day, I can still see his room, the crib, the color of the walls, and hear his cry of what I thought was hunger. Hurriedly I walked into his room, ‘What’s the matter sweetie, are you hungry again?’ Nope, didn’t want the bottle. Okay, next on the list, check the diaper…. I never in my life could have imagined that something so tiny could GIVE so MUCH. The smell just about knocked me over, I actually got dizzy and had to sit down on the bed to catch my breath. ‘How could something so awful, come out of anything so cute?!’ And I’m a farm girl! Let me tell you, I’ve smelled a lot of smells! But to this day, nothing has ever compared with that very first diaper! Not the sons after, not the grandchildren later. Nothing! So be prepared Mrs. Legg. It’s when it catches you unaware, that it gets you!”
“Any how, many congratulations, I can think of nothing more rewarding than being a parent. And when times get too busy, remember that the dishes can wait, they’ll only be little for so long, and you don’t want to miss a minute of it!”
Okay, let me see…..If I my online business were to really take off, what would I do? Hmmm. Actually, I have thought about this for years, so it’s really not a tough question.
My husband and I are avid gardeners/farmers. We have a small 18 acre hobby farm. We have many, many gardens. We are trying to get it set up to be more self sustaining for our retirement years. Right now we both work 12 hour work days, so ‘time’ to really do what I totally want to do with the gardens is slim.
I want to have one big, HUGE, garden dedicated to being a ‘Tithing Garden’. A lot of our land is organic, so the vegetables and such that we are able to grow are much better that the store bought in the area. We have quite a few ‘soup kitchens’ in our area that we can donate most of the food to. The Salvation Army also takes fresh donations to hand out to the elderly and those of lower incomes.
The last couple of years we have been able to give what extra that we have to the Salvation Army, and they in turn handed them out to others. One older woman was there when we took some vegetables in, and she was so happy to receive them. When she found out that she could have some of each type, I thought she was going to cry.
My husband and I truly love gardening, so it would really be more of a labor of love for us. With a ‘Tithing Garden’, it is the one BIG way I can think of that we can do the most good for our community and surrounding area. It only takes a little seed to go a long way for a very good cause.
If I can get it going, with having more time to do so, than I would see about maybe seeing if others in other parts of the country would like to be shown how to do it in their area.
With more free time, I would also be able to show others in this area, and on the net how to find this kind of freedom so they may be able to do their own charitable causes.
Any how, that’s what I would do. That’s my dream.
Thanks, for hearing my out.
Good luck to you both and your new family,
Hi Richard.
Firstly, I would like to wish you and your wife all the very best for the upcoming birth of your baby. There is no greater feeling than becoming parents.
Secondly, The headline of your post is “what makes you the best?” Well, after some consideration I could not come up with a great answer. You see, I don’t consider myself better than anyone else. I have my own problems just like the rest.
Do I deserve a free copy? Again it depends on who you ask. With or without your generosity, I will continue to try and make it online.
What I would like to do? To provide the best for my 2 boys and my other passion is animal conservation. I would love to contribute in the conservation of the tiger.
My best wishes for you and your wife especially on delivery day.
Hi Richard and your other half
Nappies are one of the negative sides of children and the positives outweigh the negatives (remember that and the fact that children are a shared joy and you wont come unstuck). But had this sent to me today by one of my grandchildren and hope that it brings a smile to your face.
Baby’s First Doctor Visit
A woman and a baby were in the doctor’s examining room, waiting for
the doctor to come in for the baby’s first exam.
The doctor arrived, and examined the baby, checked his weight, and
being a little concerned, asked if the baby was breast-fed or bottle-fed.
‘Breast-fed,’ she replied.
‘Well, strip down to your waist,’ the doctor ordered.
She did. He pinched her nipples, pressed, kneaded, and rubbed both
breasts for a while in a very professional and detailed examination.
Motioning to her to get dressed, the doctor said, ‘No wonder this
baby is underweight. You don’t have any milk.’
I know,’ she said, ‘I’m his Grandma, but I’m glad I came.’
Take care and welcome to the uncharted world of parenthood.
Stan Carter (from the uncharted world of grand parenthood)
Nothing funny about my business Richard, I just want brand recognition, that is people to see my business as successful and just now I need a little help from a friend.
Sometimes you know you can score even though the ball might just hit you accidentally before it enters the net.
A little while back I was sending a note out to my customers asking for their help in my “Lust” building, a spelling mistake of course but guess what? I got an avalanche of mail back and yes most of it was humorous but also a great deal of it was from people who since I have built a lasting relationship with….you never know!
Anyhow I hope you and your wife don’t have any duplicate content issues with this current pregnancy.
Regards, BP.
i don’t have kids of my own but i do have a couple of nephews and a niece. one day, one of my nephews, who was three years old then, wouldn’t stop eating chocolates. so my sister, his mom, told him that if he didn’t stop eating chocolates, she would remove all his teeth. as you’d probably guess, he did stop and we thought that was that. but an hour later, i noticed that he was just sitting in the corner and keeping to himself. i asked him to play with me and he said, “no.” i kept on asking him to play. i thought he was like that because my sister didn’t allow him to eat any more chocolates. i was about to give up when he motioned to me that he was gonna whisper something to me. care to take a guess as to what he said? well he asked me in a somewhat trembling voice, “will mommy remove my hands if i play?” i swear, all i could do was just stare at him for a minute or so.
well, if i win a copy of TrafficUncut and my business takes off, i’ll bring my nephews and niece to HongKong Disneyland since it’s the nearest disney theme park to the philippines.
anyway, congratulations to both you and your wife, and also to your soon to be born baby since he or she will be very luck to have you as parents. hope all goes well.
When my businesses takes off i would like to travel the world and see how other live away from the Johannesburg South African crime, and just relax, and i sincerely am wishing you and your wife everything of the best for your upcomming Baby, I have 3 of my own and 8 Grandchildren so I can almst feel the excitement,
God Speed
Maria Fouche
Hello Richard and Family,
Hmm… my wife and I have 2 young uns’. The first two months you’ll be needing around 10 -12 diapers per day. After that, figure around 6 – 8 per day. If we go two years out, that will be …. um … let’s see (60 days X 12 = 720, then 22 months X 30 X say 8 = 5,280 add back in the 720 from first two months and you have around 6,000. When you have a baby shower, drop a hint of diapers being a good gift.
As far as making you and your wife laugh? I’m gonna fall way short on this one, but I want to be able to have an orphanage someday and my long term goal is to have 100 children. I’ve been so blessed that I feel compelled to give back to society. Kids are God’s greatest gift and I have a heart for the kids who are not as fortunate as I was and my kids. I currently sponsor 4 children through an orphanage through our church. We have a ‘daugher’ in Congo – her father died of a tumor in his neck and mother died from starvation; a ‘son’ in Brazil, and a ‘son’ and ‘daughter’ (brother and his little sister) in the Dominican Republic. It’s only $25/child or $100/month but I am so blessed.
Getting a lot of traffic to my websites would be really great. So far, I have two very nice looking sites that are generating absolutely nothing:
http://www.AJAX-Business-Center.com (ok, I made $12 last month with this site)
I hope to have two more up and running by the end of September if not sooner.
After I get my orphanage going, I want to start and own a professional soccer team in Portland, Oregon.
Thanks for your consideration.
God bless and all the best to you, your wife and baby.
Ooops! That should have been
http://www.Affilate-Junktion-cash-made-easy.com (Junction spelled with a ‘k’ and not a ‘c’.
Sorry ’bout that.
Congratulations, always be there for it and love it unconditionally no matter what, for a new baby is a real gift and joy and a tremendous responsibility. Good luck with the 5000 diapers! I have 3 grown children, 7 grandchildren and another grandson due this month and I love them all dearly.
Tampa, Fl.
Hi Richard I am a father of one daughter and three grandsons and even though my daughter is grown my grandsons are 4,7, and 11. Congradulation on your future family you will enjoy them for as long as you are on this earth. Well my thing is I would like to take my wife of almost 37 years out dancing. I know that does not sound like much but I had an accident a little over 12 years a go and messed up my back and lost my left leg above the knee and am on dissability. AS you know they do not pay for every thing and a prosthesis cost from start to finish is between 150,000 and 200,000 dollars and right now I just can not afford one. So that is what I would like to do with the money that I made. Thanks for listening have a great day and a wonderful life. Jimmy
Hi Rich and Mrs, I have this long term dream of earning a fortune online and moving to the States to live with my new American beauty where we would raise beautiful babies!! Oh hold on a minute, that was your dream not mine 😉
The truth is I’m an oldish brit (50 next January) with a wife and three wonderful grown up kids. I’ve been marketing online now for 3 long years, making a small amount of cash from my dozen or so websites.
I might not be all that successful but I’m enjoying every minute, especially when those Clickbank cheques appear through my letter box.
If I can REALLY make it online I would do the following:-
Pay for my kids education during their time in University, so they don’t end up £1000ss in debt. (My daughters doing a very expensive Law Degree).
Take them for their first ever holiday to somewhere like Disneyland or the Grand Canyon 😉
They might be a bit old for Disneyland but I’m not, as I’m just starting my second childhood, whooppee.
Tell my boss to stick it where the sun don’t shine..(This should be number 1 wish after 33 years in the same job.
indulge in my passion of clay target shooting without having to worry about the cost, and maybe even make the Welsh Skeet team.
Buy my elderly parents their first ever house, after 60 years of renting they truly deserve it.
Get some flying lessons, because my earliest recollections as a child was of building a wooden aeroplane with my dad and wishing every day that I could reach the clouds in “bessie” the plane. Believe it or not, to this day I still haven’t stepped foot in a plane.
Look after your family mate in your adopted country, but always remember your a Brit at heart.
I’ve been reading some of these posts and have learned more about the ins-and-outs of diapers than I ever needed to know. I left the Army when my only child was born so I could be a stay-at-home dad for my son during the formative years. I worked at home, mostly nights after he was asleep, doing accounting, assembly language programming, and business finance consulting.
I was there when he first smiled, laughed and giggled (which he did every time he squirted me when I was bathing or changing him). Those thrilling moments when he first sat up by himself, sprung his first tooth, took his first steps alone, spoke his first word, and later insisted, “I can do it myself,” still bring joy in remembering.
We spent our days digging up the back yard, building roads for his Tonka dump trucks, bulldozer, fire engine, matchbox cars, and other assorted vehicles. He helped me plant the garden every spring with his own little trowel and miniature hoe., and helped harvest it by picking peas, string beans, and berries—eating one for every one in his bucket.
He’s 30 now and though, like all men, he is self-made, I believe my early influence helped mold his honest and loving character, and consider him my greatest achievement in life.
I hope your business building system will allow many other fathers to experience these little joys.
I’ve been dinking around for six months now, joining various affiliate programs, buying so-called training programs that are way over my head, and searching for the one info product that would give me the step-by-step process–the how-to-do rather than the what-to-do.
I started your Succeed in 30 Days program in July, but fell behind when Hurricane Dolly took a direct hit on San Benito, Texas. Still doing repairs on my place and catching up on thousands of emails that backed up during the five days I was without Internet access, four without electricity. Two weeks later, I’m still on temporary power, run from an electric box a block or two away with wires taped to the pavement, until the utility company gets around to replacing downed poles and transformers in my section of town.
I’m not sure I’m ready for TrafficUnCut yet, as I haven’t finished all the steps in the 30-Day tutorial, but if I do make the cut, and it works to get my business churning out high residual income, my fun goal is to climb Mt Aconcagua, the highest mountain in the Americas, in the Andes between Argentina and Chile.
It’s an 18-day trek, and I’ll have to spend at least six months of daily workouts to get in condition for the climb, so the time freedom I could gain from an automated online income stream would go a long way to accomplishing that goal, one of several life-long dreams that I have to get cracking on soon or forget about.
I just turned 62, and where in my younger days in Utah, I needed only two weeks to get in shape for skiing, and it lasted all season; now it takes me all season to get in shape, and it lasts about two weeks.
Hello Richard
Congratulations and best wishes with the upcoming birth of your baby. I can tell you from personal experience that nobody can ever fully prepare you for what you will feel when holding your first baby in your arms. It is absolutely magic… My wife and I have two girls, now 5 years old and 6 years old respectively (15 month age gap between them). They are our most beautiful princesses and we are very grateful that we can (because of them) experience the joy of parenthood and a happy fun-filled family life.
If my online business takes off, I would like to see one of our family dreams fulfilled which is a trip to Walt Disney World in Orlando… Since expressing this wish, my daughters keep asking when we will be going, how many sleeps until we are going. They keep telling and inviting family and friends, even strangers to join us on this sought after trip…not understanding it’s not likely to happen overnight. hey, on the flip-side, they are keeping the dream alive!
I would like to acquire the skill to be successful online in order to make a difference in the lives of especially the under-privileged and people who stopped dreaming about a preferable future…
Thanks for creating this opportunity, to share in your joy and expressing our dreams. Best wishes to you, your wife and the new addition to your family.
Hi Richard,
My website sells vintage reproductions for people to use in artwork, scrapbooking and the like. My “day job” boss calls my stuff “Old Crap”. I am sure he means this in the kindest way. I figure diapers and old crap are related somehow so without having any children, only a Diva dog, I may already be an expert in crap. When my business really takes off, I will certainly equal your crap.
Best wishes on your coming child.
Well Richard, Mrs Legg,
I would like to congratulate you both on the soon arrival of the third Legg of the family.
What makes me the best, well nothing I suppose I’m just a busted cowboy trying to make ends meet on the Internet.
I can tell you both a funny thing that happen to me, and yes it is true. As you may not know I live in Australia, many years ago I was working for my father on a very large cattle station, mustering wild untamed cattle. Anyway on this day I was minding a mob of cattle when I had the need to go to the toilet. So I get off my horse drop my jeans and squat down and proceeded to do the job. Well all of a sudden out of this thick patch of scrub came this young bull, yes you guessed it, straight at me, So up with pants, back on horse as fast as I could.
The rest of the day the other men in the camp kept complaining that I shit my trousers. To this day my dad and I still laugh about it, I hope you and the boss can get a laugh to.
Well mate all the best and good happiness
Hi Richard,
Remember, deep breaths, DON’T PANIC and most of all when the pains start coming, you should not be the first one out of the house… I hope all goes well and when you hold your first baby in your arms, you will really know what is precious in life.
But after that reality hits and since you’ve done the math, then you need to stock up on those diapers, good luck!!!
Well like the name of your new product says “Traffic Uncut”, when my online business takes off, I will be able to cut the hassle of daily traffic, meaning commuting back and forth from work. Since I live in the Mediterranean, I see myself lying in a beautiful beach, sipping a cool iced coffee, having my laptop open and as my sales start multiplying and my bank account becoming bigger and bigger, I will log off, board my brand new boat and sail through all the Greek island. Then I will rent a plane and fly to all the European cities so that I can experience first hand all the different cultures, without having to worry that my vacation is ending and my money is running out. The way I see it my online business will be my online 24/7 bank account, where putting in a little effort can bring in BIG results.
Richard, once I’m able to reach these goals, then I’ll invite you and your family to come along on the cruise, where we can relax and at the same time talk business.
All the best,
I would love to win a copy of your course because then it would make me millions of pounds with which I would be able to buy thousands of of lottery tickets or premium bonds which would win me at least ten pounds and then I could retire poor – but wiser!
Hi Richard, congrats to you and your wife.
I don’t think this is a funny story, but has potential to make thousands of under-privileged children laugh.
I have a goal of being able live on 10% of my income, and give the rest back to the church, community, and various charities.
Your contest has inspired some thought. Laughter. What a great thing. One of most important things in life that people can do.
It’s crucial to the healthy development of children. And, often times, unfortunately, children who are under-privileged likely don’t laugh as much.
SO, whether you this course is what helps me or some other course helps take us to the top. KNOW, Mr. Richard Legg that YOU were the one who inspired a new dream. This contest has inspired my wife and myself to start the “Make ’em Laugh Foundation” where we send comedians, clowns, funny celebrities to under-privileged childrent to put on a show to make them laugh like they never have before. We will also be sending them all the best funny movies, and other things with purpose of promoting laughter.
“What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul” ~Yiddish Proverb
If your course is what helps us do that. Then send it over, and you’ll be even more of a significant part of this amazing new dream you have inspired with a simple little contest. You’ll eventually have been a significant part in touching the lives of tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of children across the world, who need some laughter in their lives.
Consider this quote
“At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities” ~Jean Houston
The chain reaction of what we can do as a result of YOU coming up with this contest, quite frankly, is immeasurable.
God Bless you and your wife, and your new baby!
And, may all YOUR dreams come true.
Kind Regards,
Soon to be founders of the “Make ’em Laugh” foundation for children.
Zeb & Michelle Olsen
PS- Thanks again for inspiring this incredible dream!
I’ll bring them great joy.
To repay all I`ve had
from each girl and boy
I shall draw on the walls
and scuff up the floor;
Run in and out
without closing the door.
I`ll hide frogs in the pantry,
socks under my bed.
Whenever they scold me,
I`ll hang my head.
I`ll run and I`ll romp,
always fritter away
The time to be spent
doing chores every day.
I`ll pester my children
when they are on the phone.
As long as they`re busy
I won`t leave them alone.
Hide candy in closets,
rocks in a drawer,
And never pick up my clothes
from the floor.
Dash off to the movies
and not wash a dish.
I`ll plead for allowance
whenever I wish.
I`ll stuff up the plumbing
and deluge the floor.
As soon as they`ve mopped it,
I`ll flood it some more.
When they correct me,
I`ll lie down and cry,
Kicking and screaming,
not a tear in my eye.
I`ll take all their pencils
and flashlights, and then
When they buy new ones,
I`ll take them again.
I`ll spill glasses of milk
to complete every meal,
Eat my banana and
just drop the peel.
Put toys on the table,
spill jam on the floor,
I`ll break lots of dishes
as though I were four.
What fun I shall have,
what joy it will be,
to live with my children….
the way they lived with me!
I am that old lady (I’ll be 70 one week after Christmas) but my kids still live with me.
Not all of them just the last 2 adopted from the Philipines.
I have 3 other children and 9 grandchildren.
I am a retired midwife- 997 babies -all home delivered in the UK and all arrived safe and well. I now live in Australia
I envy you and your lovely wife. What an adventure you are embarking on, my congratulations to you both. I hope you post a picture of junior when he arrives.
I am new to the Net.
Always up for a challange. Cash strapped in retirement, my children are my investment & I hope to be able to get a business that they can become involved in to give them security in the future
My Regards to you both.
Hi Richard,
Best Wishes for the upcoming major event….. and the birth of the baby
It’s not entirely funny but my aim when I’m successful is to do several things with my time
Bog Snorkelling
Swamp Football
Welly Wanging
Barrel Football
Cheese Rolling etc
Basically The current mrs Iain and I would go around partaking in the weirder bits of british culture and falling over in mud drunk etc.. I was fortunate enough to choose to have my kids young. Always figured if i waited til we could afford them, we wouldn’t have any cos (as proved by your nappy issue) you can never afford them. we figured that by the time they were leaving home we would be young enough (40) to still do stuff and have fun, and be well off enough to do it. Well the plan almost worked, kids are about gone, just need to sort out the financials – when i get your Traffic Uncut (free or otherwise) that will be that taken care of.
Of course, I will blog all about my antics and share the photo’s with you and the rest of the crew
Regards and best wishes for the birth
my site is not up yet. But here’s what I WILL do WHEN my internet business takes off:
I would bring my husband home. He is a Boom-Truck Operator for a Railroad Bridge Repair Crew and travels 11.1 months of the year. He is only home for 2-3 weeks at Christmas time. We’ve been having a long distance marriage for 7 years now and I miss him so. I would absolutely love to call him and say: Honey, give your two weeks notice, YOU’RE COMING HOME FOR GOOD!!
We’ve been married for 22 years this past July 27.
Once I get traffic to my website and sell my first $100 I’m going to color copy on my printer a bunch of copies of my first hundred and attach them to a small tree in my backyard. Then I’m going to sit under the tree and sip iced tea all morning. Once I’ve accomplished all that, I will start to shred all the ebooks, guru manuals, downloads and cd’s I’ve bought over the last 3 years from so-called internet marketing guru’s. That should be about 1 weeks worth of work! By this time i should maybe make another
$100 or $200 and I am going to take my granddaughter shopping (she is now 2 yrs old) Funny moment in time when she was 18 mo’s old and I was babysitting she had pooped her diaper. I was in the process of changing her and I said “Did you make groceries in your diaper”? She repied “YEAH-PIZZA-PIZZA”! Just one little moment to capture in the joy of children. Good luck and congratulations!
First off congrats on the birth of the child. I have a scary thought for you. Imagine having three children in huggies at the same time. Well if can multiply the estimated numbers of diapers by three where will that leave you? Scary? Maybe However, I now want you to imagine those same three children attending college each at a private college. Now that’s scarier.
With the diapers, at least you have time to earn a paycheck before you pay for the next bundle. Oh, by the way, they come in packages for all budgets. Depending on what you feed your child will determine how many diapers will be required. One of my best friends fed his child pedialite and rice cakes. His wife was concerned with childhood obesity. I advised him that if all I ate as a child was rice cakes and water, I would not exist today.
I cannot imagine growing up in the image of Laural and Hardy’s Stanley and Ollie. I told my buddy that his child resembled Don Knox when they came to visit on his 17th birthday. I told his wife that they needed to take to McDonald’s before it was too late. However, this e-mail is about me and my dreams. I simply want to provide for my three children who are attending college. I was displaced from Ford Motor Company in October 2006 and have not been able to find a meaningful job since. My children are all well behave young men who put God and family above all else. I don’t want to be the richest guy in the affiliate marketing business. I just want to take my wife on a Hawaiian vacation, golf in Scotland, Ireland, and England and spend my days fishing on a lake with my wife. I want her to retire from her job of 28 years and take a breath. We have been raising our children for he last 22 of those years and we have made many sacrifices. You will soon understand the sacrifices of being a parent and the joys associated with those sacrifices. Our children are our world and we want to spend as much time with them as possible. The funny thing is they are all grown and gone away. But the money request never stop pouring in.
While in school, they need to buy groceries, gas, meals during the day, the occasional snack and maybe a football game or two. Unfortunately, there are only so many jobs available in a small college town. The more time you and your wife invest in your children the more you will want to do for them. Love can conquer many things but it doesn’t pay the bills.
I think it is great what you are doing for the many of us out there struggling to make ends meet. Sorry for the lack of jokes. I just have things that I want to accomplish.
Hi Richard,
Once I get my business online, I’ll use some of the money it generates to train to become a hypnotist. Then I’ll invite you round for a cup of tea & biscuits and hypnotise you into thinking you’re TWICE as successful as you are, so you won’t mind sharing ALL your trade secrets with me. And when you wake up, you’ll feel so good about yourself that not only will you not mind a bit when I tell you what really happened, but you’ll want to come for tea again! ;¬)