One of the things that a lot of people tend to forget about when on their quest to make money online is the underlying reason for them wanting to make money.
I came to realize that even though my goal with my business is to actually make money and generate an income, that’s not reason enough for me.
Many people think that just making money online is going to make them happy, but I’m sure you’ll also agree that the money itself isn’t the answer to happiness … it’s the means to some other end goal that we seek.
For me, the main motivation for me when I got started was simply trying to earn enough money to pay for my university degree so that I didn’t have to work 30 hours a week on top of studying full time. So the end goal wasn’t really trying to get more money initially – it was trying to get more free time (and also something better than a diet of noodles!).
Then when I married my wife Christina my focus shifted to trying to provide a good life for the both of us.
To us (having both come from modest backgrounds) that meant simple things like not having to count every penny when we went grocery shopping, and being able to afford a short holiday 2-3 times a year.
So even though all this time I was trying to make money, I was really trying to achieve something else that was more important.
I don’t know about you, but for me it’s much harder to get motivated to earn XX amount of dollars, than it is to get motivated to make sure we have a nice house to live in, and free time to spend with each other.
When I focus on the “WHY” behind what I do, it becomes much easier for me to get motivated and do what I need to do.
And I’ve found I have much greater success when my goal is a real, tangible goal, rather than some number on a bank statement.
Now, I have an even stronger motivation to succeed, as you can probably tell in the picture below
(He’s due to be born in a month!!)

So what’s the point of my rambling?
I guess I really want you to step back and take a look at WHY you want to make money online – what is your main motivation other than just “money”.
For me, it helps me to have something real to focus on and work towards, something I can visualize.
So ask yourself … “why are you doing this?”
Is it so you can spend more free time at home and less time at the office?
Is it so you can treat your husband/wife or whoever to a nice dinner out?
Is it so you can spoil your kids, or even grandkids?
It doesn’t matter what it is, but try and take the time to figure it out.
Once you do that, you may find it becomes a lot easier to stay motivated and work towards that goal.
And whenever you find yourself doubting yourself (which trust me, happens to everyone) it’s a lot easier to push on when you can see your end goal in mind, and know that you can reach it if you just keep working towards it.
To YOUR Success
P.S. Feel free to share your “Reason Why” below. Sometimes just having it written down is an important first step to taking it from just “an idea” to making it something real.
Good article and motivating.
Yes we will all succeed.
best wishes from Munich,
Marius 😉
i guess Richard that you’re not the only one with that in mind.Being married to a chinese girl here in zhanjiang since November 2007, the main reason for working on it whenever i can since i still live in canada but decided to take off to be with my wife is not just piling up cash. Cash is just a tool to acquire whatever we need or want and spend time with family and friends.The best to you and your little family Richard
Hey Richard,
That’s right,i like you strive for the same thing.But it looks like it will take a while for me to get off the ground.I’m willing and able to do the hard work but i struggle for traffic,it will get there. Thanks Jay
That’s a good message. Congrats on the expected little one.
Hi Richard,
Many people don’t know what there goals really are when they first start out. I was like most people thinking about how much I NEEDED to make in order to eat the next day. Now, I am like you… trying to focus on the end result rather than the short term “just have to have it” thing.
Thank you for sharing your insight on what your goal looks like. It appears the result will be a bit more than you bargained for after a few years. (LOL)
I think my goals for retirement are pretty well set. I just want to be sure I am set well enough that My wife and I don’t have to “want” for anything.
Peace and Prosperity to you and yours,
Hi Richad,
I followed your email to this blog and I liked what you had to say. I appreciate seeing that you have your head on straight, as far as the things that matter in life go. As the years go by, don’t forget what you value today. Remember to keep your family your priority. Things become of no real value when there isn’t someone you love to share them with. A man is called to be a warrior. He fights to protect his own and those he counts as dear. Look to God to help you do this well, and never let money or success distract you from that primary role. Always be your wife’s and children’s guardian, protector and champion. Then you will have real success in life.
My best wishes for you,
Paul Pastorello
Hey Richard,
Congrats on the soon to be new addition to your family. The reason I do this is because I’m kidding, internet marketing makes me feel like a kid again. I really enjoy the challenge that and the rewards. It is also gratifying to succeed and be able to help someone else achieve the same success.
Very nice post there sir. It is indeed more important to have a tangible reason for being an online internet marketer instead of “some number on a bank statement”. Best wishes on your coming “addition”, and…
Be Well!
ECS Dave
Hi Richard,
And congratulation, you an the wife are a great looking couple! For me turning 59 years young, I’m finding that I can’t do physically what I used to be able to do 5 years ago, and being in the Construction Trade, I’m just looking for something a Little bit less physical!
Hope every thing goes well with the birth of your son. My goal is to set up a trust fund for my 15 year old special-needs grandson who my husband and I are raising. We have had him since he was about 4 1/2 years old and he has been a real challenge. My husband is 70 and I am 64 and when we are gone I want him to be able to have what he needs to be able to live a comfortable life even if it is with some one else who will be caring for him. There is no way he is going to be able to live by himself.
Thought you were right on in motivating reasons.My drive peters out after about 4 weeks and I must remember why? Wife Children, grandkids,and love for all of them.
Hi there Richard… FIRSTLY congrats on your inpending addition to your family. Thank you for your ‘blog’ also for all your str8 forward emails I have received, I always find them very informative and clear with no ‘fluff’ or sales ‘hype’. I am one of the many thousands of people who have bought so called “get rich’ e books in the past, spending 100’s of pounds/dollars only to find either I find them too complicated or worse no REAL workable content. I find all your info, both free and the ‘courses to be really usable and informative, even for a retired “dumbo” like myself. Again I thank you. Tomas (Fletcher)
Hi Richard,
Congratulations on being a dad soon. I’m twice a dad now to a daughter and son. I wish you and your wife the best and the little one too.
The reason I am attempting internet business is pretty much the same as yours. It’s not so much the money but would like to free up some time for my family. Not to pinch pennies shopping is another reason. Another reason is to get away from my current split schedule as an ESL teacher with a large language institute here in South Korea.
Those are my reasons why. You are correct in that it is not ‘just’ about the money although I cannot deny that that too would make me happy.
God bless,
Well said Richard. My reason for wanting to make money on the internet is
to help my wife (and myself of course) enjoy our declining years. She loves to travel, and I’m kind of getting into it too. We’ll be celebrating our 11th year of marriage 0n the 16th of this month, and we’re going to Scotland so
that she (we) can take in the military tattoo. When we get back,we’ll no doubt
start planning to go to nearer places, such as Maui, and I’m going to have to
smarten up & get a few streams of income going. I must get back to work now. My email inbox is getting swamped, and I have only about 12 days to get rid of the stuff and put up a Hold Mail..I’m on holiday
Congratulations to you & your wife, and best wishes for an easy delivery.
Stephen Cook
Hello Richard,
I’m in total agreement with your outlook on life. It reminds of the television commercials lately about Family being Priceless etc. Sure, we all have to make a living, and it’s a big responsibility for families, but the most important reason should be for Family. Now, having said that, I know that there are singles, etc. that probably haven’t experienced it yet. So, there are different circumstances for all individuals, even these people have families too. Your point is well taken about being able to focus more intensely on your work when you know the real reason for doing it. I applaud you for expressing your true feelings and reasons.
Your friend,
Wayne Gland
My motivation is to build a better tomorrow. Not just one specific goal, since we do not know what tomorrow will bring.
Ah yes, time, health, and love are more important than money, aren’t they?
Being a single mom, time is probably the most precious thing in the world. I think for most of us the driving force is having the time and money to live life the way we want to.
Now, don’t forget to get out from behind the computer and actually live once in a while!
a.k.a. -‘Mother’
You and Christina look OK!!!
My DREAM to create a memorial to my Father and Mother who spent 50+years in South Africa as missionaries. They were POOR; they had an enormous task; they brought up five kids;I heard few complaints.
The memorial an upgraded mission with a school, hospital (to cater for HIV/AIDS victims) I intend seeking help from the nouvou rich, and the US $49Billion over five years Grant. I have approached Mandela Foundation for support, and Michael Masterson to coordinate the above. MM has not replied to my initial overture-but I intend resuscitating the issue in due course.
My mission in life is to provide my life as an inspirational model (to my family, friends and community) of unconditional loving, harmony, peace and abundance… I’m late starter… I’m 74 years of age.
My vision to do this is involves setting up multiple streams of internet income and immediately removing the need to spend my day focused on grubbing around for the next dollar to financially survive. I want to use my time much more productively helping others who wish to, to do the same.
My first short-range goal is to acheive $10K per month by 30 January 2009 through affiliate marketing on the internet.
hello richard
your comments above just about sum up how i feel
i am a 60 year old truck driver i get up 5/6 days per week at 4.30 am and i arrive back home at maybe 7 pm go to bed at 10 pm so you can see all i do is work eat and sleep
my only problems are getting enough time to put your system into practise
as i am not to clever with tecknolagy
still back to your emails to see what i can do
bye for now
george wade
Have a nice day, both of you!
Indeed, focusing over a goal like money, proves in most cases to leave you without the energy to reach your goal. On the other hand, ignoring money, leads to countless “minor” shortcommings that sooner or later, will drain your energy and leave you without motivation.
Balancing the route towards your goal, setting checkpoints, planning carefully will determine your subconscience to release more and more energy, since acting with a clear direction, targets that can be summonned to the same general goal, means investing energy into a certain project. The Law of Resonance will then connect you with the same type of energy, thus amplify gradually your initial level, as you keep doing steps towards your goal.
I have downloaded your book (“Succeed In 30 Days”) a few days ago, and I was surprised to see that even if there are lots of free resources on that topic, the book stands somehow “from the crowd”. This article, comes to give some help to the user of the 30 Days plan, by giving a more detailed example on “how to”.
I guess after this period (august 2008) I will consider writing a story about my own book’s success. I am in the launching campaign of my book “Ritmuri Interioare” – “Inner Rhythms”, (hardcopy version)
written in my primary language, which is Romanian. So, when speaking of Internet marketing, now I am heavily testing my skills
I guess that readers of your book and articles, might benefit from such a story, about “how to”, about the steps I made and obviously, anyone makes when it comes to achieve a goal.
Best wishes,
Serban Stanescu
Have a nice day, both of you!
Indeed, focusing over a goal like money, proves in most cases to leave you without the energy to reach your goal. On the other hand, ignoring money, leads to countless “minor” shortcommings that sooner or later, will drain your energy and leave you without motivation.
Balancing the route towards your goal, setting checkpoints, planning carefully will determine your subconscience to release more and more energy, since acting with a clear direction, targets that can be summonned to the same general goal, means investing energy into a certain project. The Law of Resonance will then connect you with the same type of energy, thus amplify gradually your initial level, as you keep doing steps towards your goal.
I have downloaded your book (“Succeed In 30 Days”) a few days ago, and I was surprised to see that even if there are lots of free resources on that topic, the book stands somehow “from the crowd”. This article, comes to give some help to the user of the 30 Days plan, by giving a more detailed example on “how to”.
I guess after this period (august 2008) I will consider writing a story about my own book’s success. I am in the launching campaign of my book “Ritmuri Interioare” – “Inner Rhythms”, (hardcopy version)
written in my primary language, which is Romanian. So, when speaking of Internet marketing, now I am heavily testing my skills
I guess that readers of your book and articles, might benefit from such a story, about “how to”, about the steps I made and obviously, anyone makes when it comes to achieve a goal.
Best wishes,
Serban Stanescu
You asked about my reason for wanting to try this program, so here it is.
You have probably heard this many times before but I am going to tell anyway.
I worked for a major airline for over 32 yrs went they decided to close their doors. We lost all but $300/Month of our retirement income. We were in our late 50’s so there was not much we could do to replace it. We worked until we were 60 yr old. Between selling our home and taking all our saving, mutual funds, and an anunity we had we were able to put together enough for all retire With a small income.
We took almost all the money we had left in 2000, and gave it to a major mutual company to manage and provide us with an income we could live on. We lost almost 60% between 2001 to 2005. We worked from 2001 to 2004 to help pay for medical insurance and provided a small income. We have recovered some of it through reselling our home in the good real estate market over the last several years but not enough to to replace what we had. We live on a about an average monthly income and manage OK. We are close to 70yrs and would be very happy find something that could provide a small additional income to make live a little more enjoyable and allow us to leave something for our kids and grandkids. That’s our goal. We will keep trying.
Congraulations on the upcoming birthday of your baby. The best of Health, Wealth, and Happiness to you both and your family
Rich & Mary
Hi Richard,
Yes,why do we do this?I must admit that it is not all about money.I have only recently started off with all of this,And do enjoy it a great deal.Yes,learning everyday,hearing from people around the world,setting new horizons.That all is nice.
I think the main concern is about reaching out and touching other peoples lifes.Giving them information,giving them opportunities.trying to make a better place for all.Giving people the opportunity to grow,and the crux being able to help other people.In RSA we in a sense is cut off from all happening around the globe.So it is nice hearing from people.seeing what they do and learn from what they do.
I am doing this to be able to retire from my job as I am a young sixty.
I would like to earn more on internet than in my job, so far i have not been very successful at marketing, but i will containue to put in an effort.
I ejoyed your Blog and hope to have more to read, Looking forward to your little Legg no doubt!!
Richard, you are right….making good money is one reason. In doing so, if you can ‘create’ more free time to spend with your family – all the more great….also it helps to get away from a ‘crummy’ boss and office politics….being you own boss is the best thing….
my reason for wanting to make money is because 95% of my life I have been poor and as I am now 81, I just want to LIVE a little before it is time to depart, I have been trying for 10 years and refuse to give up.
sorry I forgot to mention , good fortune and a happy life for you both, with the coming of your dear little one ,whatever he/she will be.Shirley
hello richard
hope everything is ok withyour little one, I guess the main reason
I am doing this is because I want more time with my family and
Im sick of having someone telling me what I can and cant do.
thankyou for all the help you have given me so far, but I have run
into a small problem, the link you gave me to download the
software for uploading my website will no longer let me download
I have however found another free site and downloaded a
different tool Ive just got to work out how to use it.
Anyway I wish you and your wife baby and all ,
every happiness in the future
I retire next year and if it helps me pushing wagons up and down the
motorways and nights away from home thats fine with me.Any extra
pennies to supplement my pension is ok with me.Congratulations on
your furthcoming child. William
“Why do we work?” To provide income to support those who depend on us.
The usually unasked question is “What happens to those who depend on you if your work stops?”
“What happens to your work if you are no longer around?”
“If I could show you that for the sacrifice of the price of one hamburger a day you could create sufficient capital to put your kids through college, keep the home going with food on the table in the event of your death, would you want to make such a sacrifice?”
Hi Richard
I am planning on getting involved in your business opportunity as soon as I get moved.
By the way, where are you from?
Have a nice day.
Hi Richard,
Many thanks for posting your opinion and your life goal in this internet technology era. But for me as a man, father’s of six children, continuously
looking for any chance to earn money is a must. That’s the reason I fond of navigating internet if there is any simple one. I registered quite a number of
Affiliate Programs which stated easy to earn income and so on.
Frustrated, I turned to learning and taking course only which are risk FREE,
From the picture, I sense you’re still a young couple, full of wonder and
exciteent in daily life. Wishing you both a happy life
Hi Richard,
Yes I can certainly relate to your way of thinking.
I have been in the UK for the past 5 1/2 yrs so I can send money home to pay the mortgage on my 5 acres of land.
Also my daughter is into horses in a big way so soem of the money enables her to buy some groceries now and then.
So as you see I am trying to make some money online to get rid of the mortgage so I can go home and not have get a J.O.B.
But mainly I just really want to go home to be with my family and friends.
Also with the J.O.B. I am doing over here I do not have a life outside of it as I only get two hours off a day seven days a week.
So for me while I am in the UK my life is on hold.
And I really want it back. NOW!
Anyway this is just to let you know that I think a lot of us out there look at their online business the same way as yourself.
At first just for the money to pay off our debts but at the back of our minds we are gearing up for the day when we have more time to do the things we want because we have the financial freedom to them.
Well I think that about covers it for now.
I do enjoy getting your emails so keep them coming.
Kind regards
Hi Richard,
Congratulation with your new baby! Been a parent is the best can happen in your life! You guys look nice in the picture.
I am mother of 3 kids and they are a bless from heaven, and I agree with you, there is reason why am I doing this. “They’re my WHY”, I want free time to spend with my family, to give them what I don’t have when I was younger
To buy a house and to give my husband a financial support, etc.etc.
Richard, Thank you for your time and support . The LORD bless you and your family. Lilian
I just want to thank you for this post, I have been going through alot
of doubt lately about my internet business.I have taken my eyes off
the goal, but your post today has put me back on track again.
One of the reasons I became one of your affiliates is because you
really do care about other people, and their success.
Thanks again, Michael
‘Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, ‘Woe to those who call evil good,’ but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor’s possessions and called it ambition We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts tod ay ; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!’ “Billy Graham’s Prayer “
Why am I doing this..Because my husband and I are part of the Baby Boomers..our kids have left the nest and it’s getting time to Retire..sure he’s has a great plan for our retirement..but with the prices going up so fast..we will need much more income..So I’m doing this for US!
Hi Richard,
Jayenn (Juergen Nuhn) here.
I have to say that you are perfectly right. it’s much better to focus on a special goal than to focus on a special amount of money beacause if you reach your privt goals (i.e. more time for the family, 2-3 vacations a year…)
you’ll be most of the time in a better mood and you’ll be able to do the thinks you have to do much easier.
mrgds and good luck with your internetjourney to everybody
Jayenn – The part time Cabdriver
Hi Richard,
You’re right its not just the money that motivates me too but the same as you its wanting to give my family a better life than working full time and its not even enough to take care of the family.Like now I have a problem of getting the money to pay for my kids’ tuition fees.I was wondering if I can ask for some help from you to tell me what I’m doing wrong and how to fix it.Even with a website I’m having difficulty getting visitors let alone getting them to sign up.If you could only check my website and tell me what I’m doing wrong and tell me how I can bring more visitors to see and maybe sign them up as subscribers to build my list.That will be a great help,hoping for your kind consideration on this matter.Thanks.
Motivation varies with every person, but I think there is a common thread to cover the bills and be able to afford a few luxuries and comforts. Beyond that there is always “retirement” when we still require income but are looking to travel or visit friends, and not be on a time schedule.
Thanks again Richard for the post. Helps me keep things in perspective!
Truly a fabulous post Richard… I think this is something even I lose sight of from time to time… “What is the end *result* we’re seeking?” stays front of mind, but the PURPOSE of what drives us there is a very different thing.
My Why… make sure my family is well taken care of…nice house, free time, vacation at least 1 time a year, etc.
Dear Richard,
Congratulations on your growing family !
Andrea Scafidi
Internet Entrepreneur
Congratulations Richard to you and your wife By now you have figured out what cause that and won’t do it anymore.LOL
hi! Richard Legg,
First of all I congratulate you on becoming father of boy and convey my best wishes to your wife. My advance wishes for little Legg due in a month’s time.
To introduce myself first I am working as a sales executive in a MNC having network in 55 countries and No.1 in manufacturing printing inks for newspapers, magazines, offset , flexo and gravure printing in the world market and yes of course I am interested in making money online and I can atleast spend 2 to 3 hours in computer in a day but I do not have any basic computer knowledge as I did not study any computer course and I have only working knowledge in computer and after studying stories of successes of other online marketers finally I just felt that your are the right person to guide me to earn something online after reading your articles in your website and at present to be frank with you I cannot afford to spend any investment though I am willing my financial position is such that I should run my family look after all expenses since my wife is a home maker and my son is studying in LKG. So, I am unable to invest a small amount and I wish if you show some way to make me successful online I can assure you I will invest back whatever I earn online and cover expenses occured during the process of setting up my own business online. I believe you and I know you can show me a successful online business with steady income and I am ready to do whatever possible on my side to be successful online.
Thanking you,
Warm regards,
Hello Richard,
What a beautiful couple you make.
I want to make enough to pay off all of our bills so my husband is not left with a lot of bills when I am gone. Also so he can retire. He is sixty-eight years old and working two
jobs to pay our bills. Most are medical.
Richard (my husband) had worked as foreman of a fruit ranch since 1967. In December of 2005 the company he worked for all those years said, “we are selling the farm They never had a retirement program and with the wages they gave there wasn’t much room for saving. Low pay and no insurance with them,medical expenses going up constantly.. We desperately need the extra income.
I have been disabled for many years. I have Asthma, COPD (Chronic Bronchitis, asthma and Emphysema) Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Parkinson’s disease. It seems like every time I went to the doctor, they came up with a new disease. Some days it is impossible to do anything. We have problems, we learn to cope. I think maybe having Polio at age seven, may have started things rolling. Who knows? Without my Belief and Trust in God I really couldn’t handle it. The pain, stress and often depression with Polio at age seven, seven major surgeries along the way. But, you know, you look around and you can always see people a lot worse then you are. It’s a wonderful life, live it to the fullest. If you smoke! STOP!! .
This is my reason.
hi! Richard Legg,
First of all I congratulate you on becoming father of boy and convey my best wishes to your wife. My advance wishes for little Legg due in a month’s time.
To introduce myself first I am working as a sales executive in a MNC having network in 55 countries and No.1 in manufacturing printing inks for newspapers, magazines, offset , flexo and gravure printing in the world market and yes of course I am interested in making money online and I can atleast spend 2 to 3 hours in computer in a day but I do not have any basic computer knowledge as I did not study any computer course and I have only working knowledge in computer and after studying stories of successes of other online marketers finally I just felt that your are the right person to guide me to earn something online after reading your articles in your website and at present to be frank with you I cannot afford to spend any investment though I am willing my financial position is such that I should run my family look after all expenses since my wife is a home maker and my son is studying in LKG. So, I am unable to invest a small amount and I wish if you show some way to make me successful online I can assure you I will invest back whatever I earn online and cover expenses occured during the process of setting up my own business online. I believe you and I know you can show me a successful online business with steady income and I am ready to do whatever possible on my side to be successful online.
Thanking you,
Warm regards,
life can be a wonderful struggle as long as you know how to balance living and loving and giving to others and yourself…………….you seem to be holding the most important assets you will ever have in your arms…………..congrats your education is just beginning.
Congratulations to you and your beautiful wife! May you always be healthy, happy and prosperous!
Tell me about your “Internet Marketing” work and what you are the best at doing. We want to start marketing our “Ah Ha Country Spa” and my Wellness and Consciousness work centered around the BodyTalker’s ability to use computerized infrared science to track and decode a clients electrical energy flow patterns, which reveal the unconscious decisions they are making that are causing specific problems in their Life, Body, Business or Relationships.
Have you ever had any success marketing a destination point of this nature? Where are you physically located.
Thanks Richard.
Hi Richard
My motivation is doing something I love (sharing my knowledge about health), but that will allow my husband and I freedom to travel abroad or hop across to Spain (we are in the UK) when we feel like a break and to get some badly needed sunshine.
great, great post really resonates with me (you know why!)
you know you have to have the reason for doing what you do otherwise why do it.
What more can I say
Hi Guys
I wish u all well and ensure to do your breathing exercises lady
Hello Richard, Christina and little Legg,
Congratulations! You two make a very handsome couple. You are so young and so much to look forward to.
WOW!! I’m amazing to read some of the post from people in their 80’s, 70’s and 60’s. I thought my husband and myself were the older of your subscribers. My husband is 72 and he is in very poor health. As I write this he is recovering from a second spinal surgery. The reason I’m trying to build an Internet business is to provide an income to supplement his small pension. Right know we are depleting very rapid the only savings that we have. We will run out of money in a year or so. We are so concern that if I don’t produce some income soon we will be forced to leave this dear country and go to a place where we will be able to live on his pension. I have postpone to do what I enjoy doing like , traveling overseas, serious gardening, handcraft creations among others. I love life but I can’t enjoy knowing how precarious our economic situation is.
I want to thank you once again for been so caring an generous with your time and support.
My Best to all of you,
the supplement is coming from some savings which
Congratulations and best wishes.
A little one definitely changes our lives a bit.
Why are we in this business?
Because we love it. We have had many heart tugging experiences since starting this business 17 years ago. Yes, the money is nice but the experiences are what really make it worthwhile.
Sitting down with a child in a homeless shelter and reading the meaning and origin of his name to him and explaining the characteristics associated with his name is so worthwhile. As a councelor pointed out, the child gains identity and direction.
And adults are touched upon learning the characteristics associated with their name. It is sometimes hard to understand the good that others see in us.
Summing up what you wrote, let’s say that money although doesn’t bring total happiness, well, unfortunately it’s very necessary in our lives. In some way, it brings to us peacefulness.
Congratulations for you coming baby.
Jesus Dad…
Happy with you and yours…
My main motivation on doing online business is the REAL CHALLENGE.
It’s not only on Online Business, but on every business.
Without challenge money is nothing.
I pay for something and I get it.
I pay my online business with my time and a get a full happiness since I have own it as mine.
Glad for you, and be blessed…
Good Morning Richard
Congratulation on your little leg! I’ve been pecking away at these keys for two years know. I’ve made about 10 sales. My motivation being I’m unemployed 48 years old and a high school diploma. I was a truck driver but that career is out the window. Details I won’t bore you with. I’ve gone out and put applications in the local shops. Being summer time the kids are the first to get hired. My roommate Nancy is a godsend. Not having any money and my brothers and sisters all have their families to contend with. Nancy was nice enough to let me move in as I go through this career change! Nancy and I have been friends for 17 years. It’s a plutonic relationship. One I cherish.
Well back to the why I do this theme. I’m an independent individual. My drive to make that 54,000.00 a year job! I’ve tried selling lotions, positions and pills with little success. So my current venture is advertising. I took that on this week. I’m not giving up. There is a formula out there that will work for me. There is one thing that I see. That is we all need traffic to our sites. I’m finding that posting into community forums is responsive.
It’s nice to put a face with an email.
I want to get myself out of debt and then help my two sisters pay off their bills. I’d like to be able to do to Europe and see some cathedrals among other things. And I’d like to establish a no-kill shelter for dogs and cats and any other animals who need a home until they are adopted by a loving family.
First off… CONGRATS on the new member of your beautiful family. I wish you and your wife years upon years of unrelenting happiness.
My main reason for wanting to succeed in my business isn’t at all the money actually… I could honestly live in a cardboard box if I had to. I want to make significant money through my business because I want to retire my very hard working mother.
After her… my next goal is to be prepared for my future wife and kids. I’m sure that having a child is a big enough responsibility (and I’ll leave that up to you to confirm, Rich) so I just want to make sure that we’re financially ready for ANYTHING that might happen.
Congrats Again!
Hi , All the best and All respect 4all you are giving out man. I use all I can from your experiences and it makes huge difference , this is 4sure.
your free keyword tool is stacked since few hours now , can you please do something about it , thnx
To laugh, to cry—
A reason why:
I’m a therapist who could have hid at the university level, but saw the need to reach very young kids with strong academic beginnings and healthy self-concepts. So I became a behavioral and academic specialist. (And though I taught students no one else wanted to teach, the students were the GOOD part of the job.) The curricula I created by night brought atypical student success by day to the extent that I had Special Ed kids mastering things the regular classes hadn’t and becoming the content, productive children their shocked and happy parents had prayed for. 😀
BUT I finally moved to a difficult district where the principal called me eccentric, somehow saw me as intimidating, and lied and bullied me for 180 days until I faced the fact that I needed to market my successes to a much larger classroom, though I’d miss the children immensely. Not only did I not fit in the rigid public school system, SO much academic and behavioral societal problems could be avoided with products and services I was only sharing with a class at a time. Yet, I’m down to 5 hours sleep a night—overwhelmed with IM “stuff” in starting a website and what to present first, though I’ve solved the impossible with students others fear to face. It’s ineffably frazzling because until I get some online streams of income, I can’t provide a sorely needed site for kids to escape from sick homes and schools—a site FILLED with laughter, encouragement, and games to nurture character growth and healthy self-concepts.
I’d also like it to offer healthy tips. So I’ll “take action” by bringing you a somewhat unique aid:
I once accompanied my 14-month-old Godkid on a plane trip. He’d eaten the high-fiber meal selection from the airline’s menu, and his mother and I were patting ourselves on the back for our wise choice when suddenly it sounded like a small bomb was exploding. To our shock, my Godkid’s diaper region reached astronomical proportions in record time.
Now, when YOU think you’ve changed one diaper too many, may this story bring you many occasions for laughter, even appreciation. 😛
For, count your blessings that there’s at least a change of clothes, the cleanup area is larger than a breadbox, there are no witnesses, you will have avoided the high fiber meal that brings an incredibly long span of cleanup time——and the “perfumed” area ISN’T the size of a plane!
Very best wishes for blessings on your beautiful family, the reason to do what you do.
May those children who aren’t so blessed
have me bring them happiness.
P.S. Please thank you wife for this moment of joy and hope due to her great idea. What great parents you’re going to be!
Hey Rick,
For me, it is to not only provide a stable and secure future for my 3 kids, and recover from the financially devastating consequences of an acrimonious divorce, but to salvage my dignity and rescue my career lost through redundancy and many years of service in the corporate world.
This post was very motivating. The reason I’m pursuing to make money online is because I want to earn 10,000 dollars so that I can transfer my credits to UK and study there for a year. And I don’t want to ask my parents for it. I want to be responsible.