With just 2 weeks until the birth of our first baby, I’ve found myself constantly reading and reading about things we need to do once he arrives.
Things like how to know when he’s hungry, how to know when he’s tired, what’s the best way to comfort him etc.
I’ve literally been to countless different websites, browsed through tons of different forums, and read parts of several different books, trying to absorb as much information as possible (only to find that so much of it conflicts with other information!).
The more I did this, the more overwhelmed I became.
After doing this for so long, I came to the realization that there’s only so much I can learn from a book, only so much that a website can teach me.
I felt like I had information overload!
I came to realize that the ONLY way I’ll ever really learn anything is by actually DOING.
Even though I feel like I’m as prepared as possible in terms of the “research” of what being a parent entails, I’m only going to REALLY understand once the baby is born and we’re thrown in at the deep end.
That’s when we’ll learn how to react to our baby, how to comfort him, how to know when he needs feeding – by actually BEING a parent and DOING parent stuff.
That got me thinking …
A lot of people when they start out online try to learn and absorb as much as they can about making money online – they buy books on affiliate marketing, PPC marketing, AdSense, Joint Ventures, Resale Rights etc…
They read and they study all that they can, but in the end, reading and studying is NOT going to make you money.
Only by taking action and doing something will you ever see any results.
I think this is the part where so many people get bogged down – they get so much information, from so many different people (some of which says the opposite to someone else) and they get stuck. They get overwhelmed.
But, just like being a new parent, you can’t sit around and do nothing.
You have to just jump in and try something – you’ll soon learn if it works or not. (And at least in marketing you won’t get puked on or pooped on :-)!)
So many people get stuck at this critical point – it’s almost like the fear of failing stops them from taking any action. It’s like it’s almost better to not try, than to try and fail.
If something in marketing doesn’t work, that’s fine, try something else. But at least you’ll know one more thing not to try in the future.
Just like if you had a screaming baby. If singing to him didn’t work, you’d try something else, and you’d keep trying until you found something that worked.
The important thing is that you actually have to DO something. Stop reading, stop researching. It’s natural to be afraid of failing, but that fear shouldn’t stop you from succeeding.
Go out there and DO something, anything.
If it works, great!
If it doesn’t work, try and evaluate why it didn’t work, learn from the experience and move on to trying something else.
Just like anything in life, be it marketing or parenting, the true education comes not from the books, but from the experiences along the way.
To YOUR Success,
Not to worry, Richard.
Junior will give You and Yours You cues in due time.
And You will understand, in no uncertain terms, completely.
Blessings and take care,
Norm A.
Yes, wouldn’t it be great to have a ‘due date’ for the business!
Chill out and get plenty of rest before the big day.
All the best.
Many good wishes on your upcoming arrival! I do beg to differ with you though…having a baby is much EASIER!! I should know, I had 7 of them!:-)
Just kidding…you’re right about the fear of failure, or more precisely, of making a mistake. That has been my stumbling point. I’ve been reading and studying for almost two years now and although I’ve tried a few things (and learned a few things by “doing”) I still haven’t jumped in with both feet yet.
I’ve become more comfortable with the whole system of putting up a website now though and I hope to have mine up and running before the end of Sept.
Here’s to your success in the field of parenthood and mine in IM!
Dear Richard,
Good luck on the coming baby. I’m trying to remember the books my daughter gave me to read when she was having her first baby. One was about diaper free. They’ve done well with that, and saves a bunch on diapers. The others are about the value of holding your baby a lot, exposing him to most of what you do, moving around with him. I’ve forgotten the name of the book right now. If you do the diaper free route, you get to know your baby very well. Since you have a home business that might work for you. Best of luck!
And yes, I do think marketing might be like having a baby. I’ve done exactly as you described.
you are exactly right I did the same I have come to the end of this knowledge over load and now for the delivery after the housecleaning period and the birth of my business will be a life changing experience
Hey Pal,
Looks like your life is just fixing to get started, I have 3 (kids) 2 boys 1 Girl
There is nothing like holding those prescious little bundles in your arms the first time its so prescious….gettin kinda misty here…. my 2 oldest are 23 & 22yrs of age. I thank God every day for them. When your (Boy or Girl) comes you better enjoy them they grow up so fast Richard.. Good luck And May God Richly Bless You and your family…
Life as a parent is truly wonderful. I can vouch for that I am the proud father of three. Good Luck with your impending fatherhood.
Remember, knowledge has no value until it is acted upon. There is no point of purchasing courses and attending seminars if you don’t put all the knowledge into actions.
Take action! Writing down your goals and plan are great, but it means absolutely nothing if you don’t put those ideas into action. Take responsibility…take action.
To Your Success
Bryan Hee
Hey Richard,
In a way it is like marketing. You aim for the milestones to keep you motivated (and sane).
Milestones to look foward to:
First Smile, First word, First full nights sleep, First step, Outta Diapers, First accident, First bike, Second accident, First bit of backchat, First scolding, Third accident, First drawing of dad, First shock at what he sees you as.
And it continues from there. Each milestone actually does make life as a parent that little bit easier and happier. All the best to you & the misses.
Dad to 3 sons (& proud of em)
There is nothing like having children to change your life… and always for the better. You will truly enjoy this new adventure you are embarking on. Every day will be a new adventure, you learn as you go. May you have a happy healthy baby, whether boy or girl, and enjoy every moment of fatherhood.
Thanks for this tips. The exact way to success is to :”..taking action and doing something…”, as you said.
I believe in this. I do this everyday. I know my success is at the end of all my activities.
Be the best parent and marketer….
Be blessed…
My twin girls were born 8 weeks premature – talk about quickly re-prioritizing your life! What joy and beauty they have brought to our lives. They had no “preemie” problems. Here’s a tip: Love your kids unconditionally. And keep up with trends and fads, even if you think they are stupid. Because OUR trends and fads were stupid to OUR parents
And today – I got my first check from ClickBank!!! $11.98!! The start of the empire!
And it IS like you said: I have spent 2 years reading and chasing and joining. And I put up 1 site and boom! A check.
Good luck with your baby, and I envy your kid: having a Dad with a flexible schedule will be super-nice.
Hey Richard – congrats to you and your partner in advance. My son and his partner just had a baby and I have never seen anyone so prepared (they had a home birth). But babies have a way of asserting their own needs very early and nothing turns out as you plan. They have had to abandon one of their firmly held beliefs because bubs had needs that demanded a change in their thinking.
What you have explained above is the essence of action learning – plan/act/review. I agree entirely with you re marketing and the approach you need to adopt. I just mentioned the very same thing when I was interviewed (about Squidoo) on 14 August by Kris Jones, CEO of Pepperjamnetwork.com (he and his wife have just had a baby last week as you will see on his blog!).
I am in the process of designing a Squidoo training program based on these very principles.
Proud Grandad Ron (1 month old grandson)
Hi Richard,
Best wishes for the arrival of your baby.
Don’t be over whelmed with the babies arrival, it all comes naturally, the feeding and sleeping and everything else especially if you have a good baby.
Trust me marketing is much harder. you have information over load and you get so confused you don’t know where to start and nothing seem to work.
Good luck.
Have you decided on names yet
Hi,I need to place a opt-in box to capture my visitors name and email…I am using blogs….can any one help me ?Thanks
Information overload is definately one of my problems with learning marketing. However I’ve found that parenting comes naturally Richard you can expect to be sleep deprived in the beginning but you will be surprised how fast you become an expert at caring for your baby. Take it from an old Mom
Oh and don’t forget to pamper your wife!
Hi Richard,
Congratulations on your first born, I was in that position 16 months ago, as I was getting ready for my first born, (a boy) and now I am at about the same point waiting for my second due within 2 weeks. Hmm we should have a race or something, wanna make a bet?
Don’t worry believe it or not everything will come naturally,and if your fulltime in a homebased business, it will make it easier for you to take your childs cues, from the different crying noises to the faces your child will make.
I struggled with fear before he was born wondering if I will do the right things, and believe me when I say this: you and your wife will interact differently and react differently to your child. That is normal. my son is a complete daddys boy, maybe it was from singing pop goes the weasel to him while he was in the womb. (his mother did not like that!LOL)
You will be fine and you are just starting on a journey that will change you and make you look at life so differently that you will ownder about your life before.
Congratulations and best wishes to your family.
Jeremy Gatica
I hope the birth goes well and you will both soon be proud parents of a healthy child.
You’ll learn lots of information from books and people will give you all sorts of advice whether you ask for it or not. However, the most important thing you can ever give your child apart from your unconditional love is your TIME.
Enjoy every moment and make your time spent together special.
Hey Richard, Eric Farewell pointed me to your post. I just wanted to encourage you. I have six children ages 3 months to 10 years – 3 boys, 3 girls.
It is a fun, wild ride.
The best part is when you think you have learned all you need to know after the first one, along comes the second and is completely different!
Congrats in advance!
I hope that all goes well for you both, as babies they are fairly easy to deal with. The fun(?) begins when they start walking and talking.
All the very Best
Andy Owen
No worries Richard, the child is also thinking about how to be the best son (daughter) and wonders why they do’nt give you any practice before the real deal!
All the best.
Hello Richard,
Having children is one of the greatest things in the world. As soon as they are born you will realize that they are real actual small people. Support them, nourish them, and cherish them. They are learning machines! They will learn everything you want to teach them. It does take a lot of your time but if you can spend the first 3 to 5 years of their life constantly training, watching over, playing with, making constant eye contact with will bring great rewards to you and your spouse. It will also bring about a great sense of confidence and self-worth to your child which in their later years, and yours, will prove to be the best gift you could give your child. I was not ready to have kids but when I did…the amount of love that just naturally poured out of me was overwhelming!! A good taught and educated child is such a blessing and will bring you years of joy and comfort! Unlike working a business from the ground up there is no work overload because children are constanly changing from day to day. Literally!
It would be nice if our business ventures could turn out the same.
Blessings to both of you,
Ron Marzuolo
hey richard hoow are today you and yours family i hope you are good all the best from you and for yours family merita from kosova
Hi Richard,
You will know what to do when the time comes. A small baby needs lots of love and attention (hmmm, even the older “babies” do…). Just go with your instincts and you will soon know what to do. The both of you will be wonderful parents.
When my granddaugter was born two years ago, it opened up new fields for me again. Every day I am learning from her, discovering the things I forgot about babies, just like I am learning new things in internet marketing every day.
I am getting to be an expert in both by combining things in her life with marketing. Maybe by the time she is grown up enough to use my computer, I will be “grown up” enough to have a successful internet business…
Good luck
Hi Richard,
Congratulations to you and your wife. I think that you have gathered from the comments that your lives are about to change forever!! I can also assure you that it is a change you will both enjoy more than you can ever imagine.
That said, I must warn you that with all the laughter and joy will be the tears too, but those are quickly forgotten because they can’t compete with the happiness and pride you will constantly feel – even in the sad times.
It is good to read other people’s opinions and tips, but in the end you will find that your child is an individual little PERSON, with his own individual personality like anyone you know. You will learn to read his personality very quickly and learn that each cry has a different meaning. He has a cry for hunger, for pain, for discomfort and yes, also one that will just ask for a little attention. Because he is a human being, he has the same needs that you and your wife have – you will soon discover that he has his special way of communicating these needs to you.
No amount of “learning” from books will tell you exactly how to read him, but there are some good guidelines. I suggest you remember what you have read and see how it applies to your own little bundle of joy, but to keep in mind the fact that all children are different, just like adults are.
I wish you all the best with the pending birth, and pray that everything will go well.
Hi Richard,
Just this past week I came to the realization that I had been spending more time reading emails and website about various business models,most of which wanting me to sign up for yet another affiliate program or opportunity, and spending precious little time actually doing the things that will bring in income! Nike’s “Just do it” slogan is a simple but profound statement. I am often reminded that you can’t steer a parked car!
Your preparation however overwhelming is not in vain. You will discover out of it you will synthesize what is right for your child and your family, and that bundle of joy will bring out in you things no amount of reading or studying could prepare you for anyway!
God Bless
Congratulations. Having no children of my own my niece’s 14 month old bundle is the joy of my life! Just be sure to make time for the new arrival and don’t miss those speial moments… good and poopy!
God Bless
Having childred is like having a million pound gamble on the lottery. The biggest difference is your going to win. When your kids get to 41 and 39 and never been in any type of trouble and are completely “normal” you’ve won. Seems a long way off when they haven’t even arrived yet, but believe me time flys and you can look back and say that was a good job, done well. All the best to you both and the little one.
Hey Richard,
Congrats once again, just about there and the pressure is building!! Have you been taking pictures of your wife in her “Present State” ? Funny Question now, but down the road those will be good ammo,
ooops! I mean memories! Photos are the best way to keep memories Fresh and Alive in your Mind and Your Heart! Always take plenty whether they be digital, 35 mm, or camcorder , You will enjoy them for years to come! Good Luck you (soon to be) 3 , ” The Leprechaun “
Hi Richard,
You made a point that hit me up the side of the head pretty good. There is no built in manual on parenting. All of us get on the job training when it comes to children. It is like marketing, you learn as you go and like you and many others have posted here, you need to take action. When you are a parent, you really have no choice but to take action and learn from it.
For the past two months now I’ve been taking action and working on an ebook and putting a newsletter and am getting ready to put up a website. I should have a video made here soon too.
Thanks again for the thought and don’t worry about being a parent. Your love and devotion is all a child really needs. I’ve learned that children are very forgiving when we adults make mistakes. They don’t hold grudges and they still love you for who you are. We adults should learn from our children. The world will be a better place if everyone could just love and not be so prejudice and judgemental.
God bless and all the best.
Richard – good luck with the new arrival….
and I say, the name of the game is reading follwed by ‘take action’
Congradulations again. There are similarities between raising a baby and marketing. It doesnot matter how well prepared you are, it still remains to be a learning experience.
P,S. I am at another stage of information overload. I am beeing swamped with over 100 e-mail a day.
Dear Richard,
As a father of 4(grownups) and grandpa of 4 I assure you
that you are about to live the sweetest thing on earth when
the new child is born.This is a bless from the Almighty.My
blessings to you and yr wife hoping the ” learning curve”will
be shorter than marketing as the child is endowed with many
abilities that make things easy to you.Marketing bears rese-
mblance to childbirth but it seems to have mines on the road
that need to be removed.My congratulations & blessings.
Richard, Best wishes for your new baby! Mine are now 10 and 14, you’re in for a treat. First year should be the easiest. I’m sure that you’ll do fine and have a great time at it and you’ll be a great Dad. you’re absolutely right about learning about childcare by doing there’s only so much of it you can get out of a book or video.
Best Regards
Hi Richard,
I think that to many soon to be parents worry to much about how to care and raise their newborn,its just a natural thing and in most cases the instinct will just kick in and take over and everthing just falls into place I mean mankind has been doing for it quite a few years with not to bad results . I suppose that the same could be said for internet marketing after a while of doing all the different methods one just sort of takes over and starts to acheive results.
Any way all the best with the coming arrival I have a few of my own and the greatest joy that any man can have is the first hold of that new born baby.
Congratulations and the bset of luck.
Hi Richard,
Father’s day is almost here! As a signwriter by trade I often think a good sign is like a good Father.
1. It has to be there. No one benefits from from an absent sign and no family benefits from the absent Father input that sadly is at epidemic levels in today’s society. All praise to the single Mothers and the good work they perform.
2. It has to be legible. It can be chalk on a blackboard but you must be able to read it. The same is true of a “Flash” Father who might dress to kill
but is never presenting a clear message to his children.
3. It has to be pointing in the right direction. I have seen many daily now open “A” signs carelessly placed on foot paths with the arrows pointing across the street instead of to the front door!
Be there. Bring a clear message. Be pointing in the right direction this and many more Father’s days to come!
Congratulations from Peter
I’m thrilled to hear U’re expecting a baby! I’ll keep both U & UR wife in my prayers for a safe delievery. i thank U 4 sharing Ur joy with all of us. i left
above website so anyone interested may click in & ck. it out 4themselves.
Pls. make sure U include the whole URL or U’ll end up on a different site that asks for $1000.00 just to get started…Ours is “free to start”. U can ck. O the Q & A pg. 4 futher questions or concerns. I’m excited to begin with U Richard & Ur team. Blessings to U & Ur wife & the new addition to ur family ! Remember the pharse, ” It was the best of times, It was the wrost of times.” Well, u’ll have plenty of advice on how to do…but at the end of the day it rest on Ur shoulders the decisions to be made rt. or wrong U just do the best U can. & pray the child when he or she becomes an adult will be able to see all the decisions & choices U & Ur wife made were always in the child’s best interest.”
Hi Richard,
Congratulation on your new “venture” – being a Dad! Yes, it’s a change
alright. Yet, even we survived it while we knew nothing about what a child
was about. My husband saw our twins the first time, actually before me
as I was upstairs after the emergency op. and the incubators were down
a spiral staircase in an old farmhouse, called the Peartree, in WGC, Herts.
That was the only maternity ward then.
He came to see me after having had a look at the babies. He looked so
worried that I thought there was something wrong with them apart from
them being two instead of the one we were expecting. He asked: What’s
the matter with them, are they OK? I have just spent a week with Zena
and their son is 10 mo. and he’s already walking.
I had no answer, so the nurse told the first nine months aren’t counted!!!
Yet, he’s a granddad now. I quess you learn as you go along.
Have fun, they do teach you more than you can imagine, esp. how to think
the simplest way, and how to see differently.
All the best to you all and especially to the little Leggs.
Since babies do not arrive with a manual it’s a trial and error proposition.
You need about 4 till you really get the hang of it. (I had 6…and now have 8 grandchildren).
They’re all different and you learn something new with every new one. I’m not suggesting for you to have 6. I wanted a boy and had 4 girls first. Then 2 boys. Love your child(ren) to pieces and let them know you do. When they’re small you can’t wait for them to grow up. Then when they leave the nest you feel you only had them for such a short while.
I lost my eldest boy….he was 41. But I had no regrets…of not having told him how much he was loved. He knew.Life goes on and I have 5 wonderful kids left that need me and comfort me.
I hope everything goes well and you and your wife will be proud parents, soon.
Hi Richard,
It’s going to be the next step in life from where you are. Enjoy them (baby and mom) and take your time with everything until they grow up for life seems to be short. Time will be quick because you’ll be busy. Always take your time and love the family.
YEP! That new little one of yours is going to be a unique, one-of-a-kind person all his/her own. So, you’ll have to figure out the UNIQUE preferences of this brand new person. But, you will. Parents have been doing pretty well for centuries. Some get great results and others lousy results – how children “turn out” is not SOLELY the parents’ “fault”. I think it, also, has something to do with what the baby “came with” inside – heart/soul wise. I’m betting your little one will be a joy and you’ll do a terrific job. He/she may get into a bit of trouble from time to time. Then again, maybe not. My parents worried about me because I DID NOT get into any trouble! What d’ya think of that?
Anyway, I think I’m at that “giving birth” point, if I’m ever going to have a business – I just have to DO IT!!
hey richard wee need this man like you
all the best from kosova merita
Congrats to you and your wife:
The most amazing moment for you two will be the first day you bring the baby home. You will realize “hey this is for real”. Love,cherish, and above all teach that little baby as you both grow together. My wife and i have been married for 50 yrs. and raised four children and there maybe some tough times but they can make your bonds stronger. Babies don’t come with an ebook or manual so you have learn as you go.or just call your MOM. We laso have 8 grandchildren and it starts over again.
Good luck to you and your wife,and most of all to the baby, because there are two great parents just waiting. John Smit
congatulaions to you and your wife with your first baby
just dont let the baby grow up too quick as you will miss out on a lot of pleasure doing the things that babies do best
baby things they are just amazing little people
could you please give me an e mail address of some one that i can email to to give me help in setting up my web site i am sure that i have bought and paid for it but now i cannot find out how to get it on my screen
i have called the site georgewadeonline.com please help me
To be father is one biggest event a man can enjoys in his life! That is related to the spices conservation, to immortality.
To intend rationalize does not make sense; we have a thousand of millions of years being born to reproduce us…Even before getting brains!
This is deeper; just let your fillings appear. Life is a miracle; love is the engine, and if you let love drive your mind you will find the right HOW. How to care him, how to understand him, how to communicate with him…That is magic! None book will tell you how to love your baby but yourself! And believe me: He will understand you without a word!
You are lucky to participate in a miracle; give thanks to God and enjoy the moment!
Congratulations, you are on your way to becoming a new dad and a wonderful role model. I have 3 children, the first is 24, the second is 20 and the last is 15. With each birth, I was elated, excited and ecstatic. I had fun with each and every milestone, and you will too. Make sure to take plenty of pictures and movies, after all they grow very fast, and you will always treasure the fun baby times. When your baby gets older, they may not like all of the pics…so be careful!!!…I got a couple of funny looks from the naked baby pics that I took…I promised that I wouldn’t show them to their friends…:-)….Have fun, when the baby comes and spend plenty of quality time with the baby…you will be a great dad…I can tell…..
Have Fun!
Barbie Ann
Hey Rich,
Has your little one already arrived? One way or the other, congratulations man! You are in for a real treat. The beauty of your situation is, you’ll actually be able to spend proper time with your child.
BTW, my wife and I are having our second child in October. It has been a real pleasure raising our daughter so far.
Take care and best of luck!
This is an interesting comparison. I think you’re right. In order to deal brings profit you must really love it and “take care”.